TS ECET Exam 2022 - Introduction, Application, Eligibility and Results
TS ECET Exam 2022 is the abbreviation for Telangana State Engineering Common Entrance Test. It is conducted by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad, on behalf of the Telangana State Council of Higher Education.
The exam was expected to be held on 25th May, but due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the dates of application has been extended till 31st May.
As per the latest updates, the exam is set to held on July 13th 2022. The dates are tentative, and the respective authorities would soon release confirmation for the same.
TS ECET Brief Introduction
TS ECET is an entrance examination for diploma and BSC Mathematics for admission to Bachelor of Engineering and BPharm exams in the state of Telangana. After clearing the test, diploma holders can gain lateral entry to the above-mentioned discipline.
This exam was earlier known as the ECET exam by Andhra Pradesh until 2014. TS ECET is an online computer-based test held across different cities in the state of Telangana.
This exam grants admission to students into the lateral entry for:
2nd year regular BE/BTech courses in both University and private un-aided institutions approved by the All India Council of Technical Education
2nd-year admission to the BPharma course in both University and private un-aided institutions approved by the Pharmacy Council of India
TS ECET is an important exam for students of these two streams. It requires hard work, patience, and smart study to clear this examination. As it’s an online-based test, and students are expected to be familiar with the fundamentals of computer operations.
The last date for form submission has been extended to June 8, 2022, due to COVID 19. You need to apply online pay the required fees and upload scanned images.
TS ECET Application Form
The fees for General categories are Rs 800, and for SC/ST/PHC candidates, it's Rs 400. There is also late fee applicable for non-payment within the given deadline
Documents Required for Application
The following documents are required for online/offline application:
Birth certificate
Local candidate certificate
Income Declaration Certificate
Marksheets attested copies
Admit Card
Any other professional certificates
Address Proof (Aadhar card/Pan Card/Voter Card/ Passport/Driving License
User Id and Password
Valid Email Id and Mobile number
Scanned photo and signature of sizes less than 50 KB & 30 KB in jpeg format are required to be uploaded.
Exam Date for TS ECET 2022
The TS ECET Exam 2022 has postponed due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. The tentative date has been fixed for July 13th. However, you are advised to visit the official website for more information regularly.
You can continue to submit your application till 8th June 2022, without any late fee. Admit cards will be released by the competent authority in online mode only.
TS ECET Admit Card
Admit cards were due to be released on July 8th 2022. But the dates have deferred due to the ongoing COVID 19 lockdown in the country.
Important Guidelines for Hall Ticket
Admit cards will be released after completing the registration process and payment of fees
It will be released through online mode only
You can download the admit card only from the official website
No, admit cards will be sent to the candidates by post
The admit card will contain the name of the candidates, registration number, date of birth, details of the venue, time slot of the exam, category, father’s name, etc
Candidates are advised to take the printout immediately due to slower net connectivity
How to Download the TS ECET Admit Card 2022
Let’s check out the process for downloading the admit card:
Step 1: Go to the official TS ECET website
Step 2: Click on the icon "Admit card download."
Step 3: Log in with your id and password generated during registration
Step 4: Click on the download admit card tab
Step 5: You will see admit card details. Check out everything
Step 6: Proceed to take a printout by clicking on the appropriate button
Step 7: Keep the printout safe for further use.
The authorities would duly release the cut-off list for TS ECET Exam 2022 for BE/BTech and BPharmacy.
General Guidelines for Cut Off Marks:
Cut-off marks will be available from the official website.
All candidates must obtain the minimum marks prescribed.
You must secure 25% of aggregate marks in four combined subjects.
How are the Cut-off Marks Determined?
Several factors decide the cut-off marks for each year:
The difficulty level of questions
Highest marks and aggregate marks obtained by candidates
Number of candidates appearing for the exam
Number of candidates securing the qualifying marks
TS ECET Eligibility Criteria
The conducting authority determines the eligibility criteria. This exam is organized every year across the state of Telangana. Let's check out the basic eligibility criteria for this examination:
General Eligibility Conditions:
You should be a citizen of India
A resident of Andhra Pradesh or the State of Telangana
Candidates should engineering/pharmacy degrees/diplomas as prescribed
Fulfill all necessary conditions for domicile status and local requirements
Should hold a 3-year BSC Mathematics degrees from a recognized board
Candidates should have minimum 45% marks for general and 40% marks for reserved category
85% of seats are reserved for local candidates and the rest 15% as specified by the Commission
TS ECET Exam 2022 is an important online entrance test for lateral into BPharm and BTech courses. So, you should be aware of the exam patterns before taking this test as it would help you to fetch higher marks.
TS ECET Exam Pattern
TS ECET Result
The rank list for this examination was due to be released from the 1st of July. Unfortunately, the dates have been postponed due to ongoing lockdown announced by state and Central government for COVID 19.
The results can be download via online mode only. Candidates can check their rank along with the answer key from the official website. The score will contain the overall category rank and the marks awarded to the candidates.
TS ECET Counselling
JNTU Hyderabad is authorized to conduct the counselling for TS ECET. The counselling dates as of now has been postponed for Covid-19. Candidates will be shortlisted merit wise based on their marks. It will be a completely online mode and web-based process. The counselling will be based on the following factors:
The rank of the candidate
No. of seats allotted
Choice of college
Availability of seats
Quota based allocation
Candidates are advised to check details from the official websites.
FAQs on TS ECET Exam 2023-24
1. What is the Best way to Prepare for this Exam?
Like all entrance tests, TS ECET Exam 2022 is not a piece of cake. You would require extensive preparation to sit for this exam. Questions are of graduation level, so you should have a thorough grip on your subjects.
Moreover, a disciplined approach to study is also required to pass this exam with flying colors. So, start by preparing a routine and sticking to it. Take regular mock tests and follow teachers' guidance.
Also, check out for regular updates, keep yourself abreast of changing rules and exam patterns to stay a step ahead of your competition.
2. What do you Mean by Branch Rank in ECET?
TS ECET follows an integrated ranking approach. It takes into consideration all marks that you get in ECET when compared to other people in all engineering streams that appeared in ECET.
For example, if you get 100 marks in ECET and your rank is 5 in your respective branch, but your friend gets 90 marks with 3rd rank. Here, the rank is based on the difficulty level of the engineering stream.
3. What are the Objects Barred Inside the Examination Hall?
Candidates appearing for the TS ECET Exam are not allowed to bring any loose sheets, blank papers, cell phones, pagers, wrist watches or electronic gadgets inside the examination hall.
If he/she happens to bring these items, it should be kept outside at their own risk. If found in possession, the candidates will be asked to leave the examination hall with immediate effect. Candidates will be provided with extra writing space in the examination booklet only. Candidates are required to handover the booklet to the concerned examiner after their examination.
You should also not apply any tattoo, mehndi on your palms as the authorities will conduct biometric capture of your fingers and iris.
4. When is the Counselling Done for the Exam?
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU) is entrusted with conducting the counselling for this exam. The counselling dates will be announced by the commission in due course.