ACC Full Form is Associated Cement Companies. ACC is one of the leading manufacturers of ready to mix concretes and cements in India. It has a vast chain of the network throughout the country operating with over 50000 dealer networks. The subsidiaries of ACC include ACC Concrete Ltd Bulk Cement Corporation, Lucky Minmat Ltd National Limestone Co Ltd, and Encore Cements & Additives Pvt. Ltd. The company was renamed ACC Limited in 2006. It is the only cement company in India to get superbrand status.
Associated Cement Companies, abbreviated as ACC, was incorporated in Mumbai. ACC is one of India's oldest and largest cement companies owned and operated by the Tata Group of Companies. The ACC came into existence when in 1936 10 existing cement companies came together in a merger acquisition. These companies belonged to Tata, Khataus, Killick Nixon and F.E. Dinshaw groups. F.E. Dinshae is considered to be the pioneer of ACC, whose efforts led to the establishment and ultimately historic merger to form a giant cement company. The first chairman of ACC was Shri Nowroji B Saklatvalaand.
History of ACC
ACC was formed by amalgamating 11 cement companies in 1936. The first chairman was Sir Nowroji B Saklatvalaand consisted of prominent industrialists JRD Tata, Walchand Hirachand, and Sir Akbar Hydari. This is one of India’s first notable mergers and was a historical achievement. It tinkered with the country’s nationalist pride and touched every walk of Indian life.
Notable Milestones
Let’s now look at some of the milestones of this company.
1936 – Company incorporated on August 1, 1936, and the first board meeting was held
1939 – Company’s head office was constructed based on the design of Ballardie Thompson & Mathews and emerged winner at all India contest
1947 – First indigenous cement plant was established at Chaibasa in Bihar
1957 – Technical training institute was established at Kymore, Madhya Pradesh
2010- It was the platinum jubilee year of the company, and it received the FICCI award
2012 – ACC introduced the M-100 grade concrete for constructing high-intensity towers
2014 – It launched Waste Heat Recovery System at Gagal
2016 – ACC received the Silver Award for Excellence in Financial ReportingACC has continued to inspire generations of cement manufacturers throughout India and continues to work on its CSR initiatives.
The 1930s
1936: Incorporation of ACC on August 1, 1936.
1937: Dewarkhand Cement Company completed the merger as the 10th joined on October 23, 1937.
The 1940s
1944: First community development venture near Bombay.
1947: First entirely indigenous cement manufacturing plant established in Chaibasa, Bihar.
The 1950s
1955: Use of waste product calcium carbonate sludge.
1956: Cement depot established in Okhla, Delhi.
1957: Technical training institute at Kymore, MP, and Katni Refractories business established.
The 1960s
1961: Manufacture of hydrophobic cement, accocid cement and oilwell cement.
1965: Central Research Station established, manufacture of Portland Pozzolana cement and corundum.
The 1970s
1973: Takeover of Cement Marketing Company of India (CMI).
The 1980s
1987: Development of new binder for use at minus degree temperature, successful for use in Antarctica expedition.
The 1990s
1992: Incorporated Bulk Cement Corporation of India.
1993: Commercial manufacturing of ready mixed concrete.
The 2000s
2003: IDCOL Cement Ltd. becomes subsidiary.
2004: ACC named as Consumer Superbrand by the Superbrands Council of India.
2007: Partner with CMC for treatment of AIDS.
2008: Project Orchid launched to transform into a green building.
The 2010s
2010: Enters platinum jubilee year, received FICCI award.
2011: World’s largest kiln installed at Wadi, Karnataka, received ISO-2008 certification.
2012: Launches M-100 grade concrete.
2013: Green Building Material Centres set up in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, MP and UP, and wins CII-ITC Sustainability Prize.
2014: First Waste Heat Recovery System launched at Gagal.
2016 and 2017: Wins Silver Award by ICAI.
2018: Green-Pro company certification by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility
The ACC under the Tata Group of Companies takes care of its employees and puts continuous efforts to avoid mishaps and accidents. It conducts monthly audits on safety and urges workers to take safety measures at all times. It has installed safety signs at the workplace. It does not ignore waste material coming from the manufacturing plants and offers unique solutions for optimum usage. It also uses alternative sources of fuel for sustainable development.
The company also looks after neighbouring villages and tribal communities. It takes care of the health, education and holistic development of the residents while also ensuring safety, sanitation and protection to local artisans.
Sustainable Development Initiative By ACC
The Associated Cement Company has engulfed the life of every Indian, and it's not too difficult to understand when we take a peek into the sustainability measures adopted by this company.
ACC takes full care of its employees and takes continuous efforts to mitigate accidents. ACC conducts monthly safety audits at its plants and uses health and safety signs at the workplace. ACC takes extra care to promote the use of alternative fuel sources. ACC has a no-nonsense approach towards waste management and offers unique solutions for it. These tasks are undertaken through its Geocycle technology innovations.
Corporate Social Responsibility
The company has a comprehensive CSR program and was the first one to receive the ASSOCHAM award in 1976. ACC has a team of young CSR specialists that looks after the neighboring communities and tribal taking care of their education and health. They also have a robust village welfare scheme that cares about sanitation, healthcare, and protects the crafts of local artisans.
1. When was ACC established?
ACC was established on August 1, 1936, as a result of a huge merger of ten existing companies. Shri Nowroji B Saklatvalaand was the first chairperson of the company on the recommendations of prominent industrialists JRD Tata, Walchand Hirachand, and Sir Akbar Hydari.
2. How is ACC responsible for development?
The ACC is responsible for the safety and welfare of its employees by constantly monitoring their health, conducting safety audits and installing signboards in the workplaces. They are constantly putting efforts towards sustainable development of the environment and society by putting optimal use of waste products from factories and improving existing methods of production by continuous research and development.
ACC is also responsible for taking care of neighbouring places, tribal communities and small towns by setting up a CSR group that looks after the overall development of the people by setting up schools, hospitals, other necessary institutions as well as ensuring the welfare of local artisans and taking care of basic amenities such as clean water, electricity and cleaner environment. They also take care of providing livelihoods to the people living around the factories.
3. What is the Meaning of ACC Cement?
ACC Stands for Associated Cement Companies and now known as ACC limited. It is India’s pioneering company in manufacturing ready to mix concrete and cement. The headquarter is located in Maharishi Karve road in Mumbai and is known as the Cement House.
4. Which ACC Cement is Best for Your Roof?
ACC manufactures different grades of cement. The most commonly used cement is the 33 grade ordinary Portland cement. Other forms of common ACC types of cement that can be used in roofs are 43 grade ordinary Portland cement and 53 grade Ordinary Portland Cement.
5. What is the Strongest Cement Used in India?
Concrete is considered the strongest cement with less water mixing. Aggregate is also another factor that gives strength to concrete. A strong concrete cement should have low water to cement ratio and below to a high aggregate category.