What is the Full Form of EWS?
The EWs full form is the Economically Weaker Section. In India, the EWS category is included within people who belong to the General category. However, the EWS category full form which implies the Economically Weaker Section is diversified on the basis of the annual income of the full family.
Here, we will learn in detail about the EWS full form, EWS certificate full form and what does it entail, general EWS full form, EWS certificate full details.
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EWS Category
So far we have come to terms with the EWS long form or EWS full name. But along with learning the full form of EWS category, we must understand how the category is segregated. As already stated above, EWS is a subcategory of the General category. However, a candidate to be included under the EWS quota must be able to ascertain that annual the income of his/her family is less than 8 lakhs. Thus, the EWS full form is also termed as General EWS full form at times as the particular candidate to be considered for this category must not belong to the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes, or any other such category. The EWS quota full form also specifies that if the yearly income of a family is more than the prescribed limit of INR 8 lakhs, then such a candidate will be considered under the General category and not the EWS category.
The Government of India has given the full form of EWS and it is different from the already existing EBC or Economically Backward Class and MEBC or Most Economically Backward Class category that already exists in different institutions and states. The EWS category has only been recently introduced by the Central Government of India along with a 10% reservation for the candidates included under the same.
EWS Category Eligibility Criteria
There are certain eligibility criteria that are required to be fulfilled for a person to be included under the EWS category. To be considered in the EWS category a person has not to be included under any of the reservation schemes for STs, SCs, and OBCs. In addition, the gross annual income of the person has to be below INR 8,00,000 (Eight lakh only). Such people are identified as EWSs for the benefit of reservation. The annual income limit prescribed also includes income from all sources viz. salary, business, agriculture, profession, etc. accounted for the financial year before the year of application.
In addition,a person is exempted from being included under EWS, irrespective of the income of the family, if the family owns any of the following assets mentioned below:
A residential area measuring 1000 sq ft. and above
Agricultural land area measuring 1.5 acres and above
A residential plot measuring 100 sq. yards or above in specified municipalities;
A residential plot measuring 200 sq. yards and above in areas not specified by municipalities.
In determining the EWS status of a person, the property owned by his/her family in different places/cities or different locations is clubbed together with regards to the application of the land. or property holding test. The term ‘family’ for the purpose of the reservation includes the person seeking the benefit of the EWS category reservation, his/her parents and siblings (if any) but below 18 years of age. In case the person is married, then his/her spouse and children below 18 years of age are also included in the ‘family’.
EWS Category: Required Documents
In order to obtain the benefit of reservation under the EWS category, a person is required to produce an Income and Asset Certificate that is issued by a Competent Authority. Any one of the following authorities mentioned below can issue the Income and Asset Certificate in the format prescribed by the particular institution/agency. This Income and Asset Certificate is the only acceptable proof for considering a candidate under the EWS category.
The list of authorities deemed appropriate for issuing the Income and Asset Certificate are as under:
District Magistrate
Additional District Magistrate
Deputy Commissioner
Additional Deputy Commissioner
1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate
Sub-Divisional Magistrate
Taluka Magistrate
Executive Magistrate
Extra Assistant Commissioner
Chief Presidency Magistrate
Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate
Presidency Magistrate
Revenue Officer no less than the rank of a Tehsildar
Sub-Divisional Officer
Such authorities must oversee or be incharge of the area where the particular candidate seeking EWS category and/or his family usually resides.
The EWS certificate full details as per the eligibility criteria have been mentioned here. It is thus important to remember that the EWS category reservation is not determined on the basis of a single factor. Annual income, residential flat, property held, etc. are all taken into account while determining the EWS category. The Government of India sets the limit on the annual income for the students seeking admission under the EWS category to the colleges owned and applying for jobs vacancies listed by the Central Government. At the same time, different state governments may affix a different income limit for those candidates seeking admission under the EWS category in state-owned colleges or applying to state government jobs.
FAQs on EWS Full Form
Q1. How can I obtain the EWS certificate full form?
Ans. For the EWS full form download, a person seeking reservation is required to visit the official website of the institution or the job vacancy for which s/he is seeking the category. The prescribed EWS certificate full form for different institutions/job listings is provided by the concerned Central r State government and has to be downloaded from the particular official website only.
Q2. What is the difference between EWS and DG full form?
Ans. The difference between EWS and DG full form is that EWS stands for Economically Weaker Sections while DG stands for Disadvantaged Groups. While the EWS category is granted on the basis of financial assets or income, the DG category is granted to persons with special needs who are suffering from a disability in accordance with the ‘Persons with Disability Act 1995’.
Q3. What are the supporting documents needed for issuing the Income and Asset Certificate for the EWS category?
Ans. Different states may have different requirements for supporting documents with respect to the issuing of the Income and Asset Certificate for the EWS category. However, some of the documents that a person seeking benefit under the EWS category, must possess are:
Application Form in the format prescribed
A recent Passport-sized photograph
PAN card
Aadhaar Card/Ration Card/EPIC Card
A photocopy of IT Returns/Pay Slip