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ICSE Class 10 Commercial Studies Semester Wise Syllabus 2024-25

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ICSE Class 10 Commercial Studies

The methods and techniques for doing business are getting advanced and complicated each day. This has raised the demand for the subject of commercial studies among students. Due to this reason the subject got included in ICSE class 10 syllabus. Students, in order to prepare this subject efficiently, need the help of the commercial studies syllabus class 10, which will act as a guide for them. The commercial studies syllabus for class 10 from Vedantu gives students an idea of the topics that they are going to learn in this particular chapter. This makes their preparation better and helps them to secure the highest possible marks in the exams.

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ICSE Class 10 Commercial Studies Semester Wise Syllabus 2024-25

Students who don't have any idea of the concepts or topics of commercial studies and the subject are totally new to them. They must refer to the class 10 commercial studies syllabus pdf that is available for free on the Vedantu site. Class 10th commercial studies syllabus pdf walks them through all the topics that they are going to cover in this particular subject. Syllabus of commercial studies class 10 pdf also mentions the distribution of marks among different topics along with the weightage of other chapters. This pdf informs the students about the pattern that the commercial studies exam question paper follows and which got approved by the ICSE board. This feature of the pdf helps the students to be prepared to face any questions in the exams and to score the highest possible marks.

ICSE Class 10 Commercial Studies Semester (1 & 2) Syllabus 2024-25

Semester 1

(Marks: 40)

Semester 2

(Marks: 40)

Unit No.

Name of the Unit

Name of the Sub-Unit

Unit No.

Name of the Unit

Name of the Sub-Unit


Stakeholders in Commercial Organisations (Complete Unit)


Finance and Accounting

b) Final accounts of Sole Proprietorship

d) Budgeting 

e) Sources of Finance 

(i) Capital Market 

(ii) Sources of raising capital


Marketing and Sales (Complete Unit)


Human Resources (Complete Unit)


Finance and Accounting

a) Capital and Revenue 

b) Costs


Logistics (Complete Unit


Banking (Complete Unit)

ICSE Class 10 Commercial Studies Syllabus

Class 10 ICSE commercial studies syllabus plays a significant role in students' preparation for the class 10 commercial studies exam. This syllabus helps students in developing a perceptive, sensitive and critical response regarding the business role in global, national as well as in local contexts. The chapters that are included in the syllabus teaches the students how to balance the demands of social parameters and individual aspirations. After studying the chapters of the commercial studies syllabus, class 10 students will have a new perspective towards the role of entrepreneurship and the important role it plays for the economy of a country.

Commercial studies syllabus for class 10 has stakeholders in commercial organisations as one of its topics. These topics help the students gain a piece of in-depth knowledge on the different features and functions of a stakeholder in an organisation. It also informs about different types of stakeholders that are present in an organisation.

Communication is another important topic that is included in the syllabus of commercial studies. This topic gives the students an in-depth knowledge of the meaning and types of communication. It also informs about the importance of interpersonal skills in an organisation, especially in non-profit organisations. Chapters like budgeting and banking are included under this topic.

Some other topics in the class 10 commercial studies syllabus are human resources, finance and logistics or operations. Human resources give an idea of how to manage the workforce of the company and keep them motivated to work efficiently. Finance topics help the students to gain in-depth knowledge of different concepts of accounting. The operations part of the syllabus informs about the warehousing functions of a company.

Despite all these topics, students are also required to prepare an internal assessment that will be checked by an internal and external teacher. This assessment will carry a total of 20 marks, and the above topics will carry the remaining 80 marks. The syllabus is prepared by some experts who have years of experience so that the syllabus gets prepared according to the intellectual abilities of the students. The syllabus is designed according to the guidelines issued by the ICSE board. A student who follows this syllabus will guarantee to secure the highest possible marks in the exams as they are confident and well prepared.

Benefits of ICSE Class 10 Commercial Studies Syllabus

Students who are confused about what to study in the commercial studies subject for class 10 exams must refer to the class 10 ICSE commercial studies syllabus by Vedantu. Some of the benefits of commercial studies syllabus for class 10 are:

  • The syllabus is prepared according to the guidelines imposed by the ICSE board.

  • The syllabus gives a preview of the pattern of questions that the students should expect in the exams.

  • The syllabus is prepared by some experts keeping in mind the intelligence of the class 10 students. These experts have years of experience in this commercial field.

  • The syllabus informs about the distribution of marks and the weightage of each subject or topic under the subject of commercial studies.

Complete Syllabus for the ICSE Board Class 10 Subject Commercial Studies for the year 2024-25 is available for download at Vedantu.

The modern world is ever-changing and evolving, and the same goes for business. Gone are the days, when the business was limited to a particular locality. In the modern world, businesses are operated in not just one country but internationally in many countries. Therefore, learning the methodology and the techniques of the business operations of the modern world has become important for everyone. Hence, the subject of “Commercial Studies”, has entered the syllabus for class 10 of the ICSE board.

Content of the Chapter

The complete book of the class 10 subject, “Commercial Studies”, if the ICSE board consists of six chapters in total. Some portions will be covered in the first semester and the remaining portion will be covered in the second semester. Both semesters have 40 marks each, meaning semester one will have the weightage of 40 marks, and semester two will also have the weightage of 40 marks.

In semester one, a total of three chapters are covered, which are, 1) Stakeholders in Commercial organisations, 2) Marketing and sales, 3) Finance and Accounting.

The first two units, which are Stakeholders in commercial life, and the Marketing and sales will be asked in their entirety in the first semester of the ICSE Class 10 board, subject “commercial studies”. While on the part of the last unit, that is to say, “Finance and accounting”, only two sections will be covered in the first semester, which is, a) Capital and revenue, and c) Costs.

In semester two, a total of 4 chapters will be covered, which are 3) Finance and accounting, 4) Human resources, 5) Logistics and 6) Banking. The remaining parts of chapter 3, finance and accounting will be covered in the second semester which are, b) Final accounts of a sole proprietorship, d) Budgeting, e) Sources of finance, this part is divided into two sections the first one is Capital market, and the second one is Sources of raising capital. While the rest of the chapters will come in their entirety in class 10 of ICSE board subject “Commercial studies”, which are human resources, Logistics, and lastly Banking.

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FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Commercial Studies Semester Wise Syllabus 2024-25

1.What do commercial studies teach?

Commercial studies is a very big subject, it includes the study of all the business in general. The commercial life in the modern world has completely changed from the past, while in the old days we used to buy from the small shops, those shops have now migrated to the malls. Every aspect of commercial life has changed nowadays, and a student needs to stay updated with this ever-changing business activity. Therefore, the subject of commercial studies will teach the students about the basics of commercial life.

2. I think I am too young to understand the concepts of commercial studies?

Back in the day, commercial studies were not part of the curriculum, but as time changed, everything changed. Understanding the commercial world is very important in modern-day life, therefore the subject is included in the ICSE class 10. But it does not in any sense mean that it will be difficult for the class 10 students because ICSE prepares the syllabus taking into consideration the age and the cognitive abilities of the students of the 10th class.

3.What is included in the syllabus?

Many units related to the commercial and business activities are included in the class 10 ICSE board subject, “Commercial studies”. If studied carefully, students will not find any chapters difficult to understand, all the units included are of an introductory level, and therefore easily understandable for the class 10 students, also the subject will help the prospects of the students. Especially those who are going for the commerce stream, but it does not mean that it will be beneficial to the other students, because, in modern life, a basic understanding of commercial life is essential for everyone.

4.Where can I find Syllabus for the ICSE class 10 subject “Commercial studies”?

If you are looking for the complete and latest syllabus for the Class 10 Subject, “Commercial studies”, for the ICSE board, you have come to the right place. Here, at Vedantu you will find the latest syllabus for the ICSE class 10 subject “commercial studies”, according to the guidelines provided by the ICSE. The Syllabus is available at the Vedantu site and it can also be downloaded to your devices completely free of cost, so you should download it for free so that you will have access to the syllabus, wherever you go.

5.Why should I Download the syllabus?

If the syllabus for the ICSE board Class 10 is downloaded, which is available for free at Vedantu in a PDF Format, the student will have access to it anytime, and anywhere. It is advisable to download the syllabus because the syllabus will help you make a plan to study for the exam in a better manner. If you wish to ace any exam the first thing you are required to do is to make a good study plan taking into consideration all the topics covered in the subject, the full list of which is available in the complete Syllabus.

6. What is Communication?

Communication is considered as a process in which information gets transferred from one place, person or group to another. Every communication process involves one sender, a message and one receiver. The sender encodes the message and sends it to the receiver. After receiving the message, the receiver decodes the message. Communication is an essential part of every organisation and helps the management to control and manage the workforce. There are two types of communication, namely verbal communication and non-verbal communication. In verbal communication, information gets transferred through telephone, face-to-face conversation and TV, whereas, in non-verbal communication, information gets transferred through body language and gestures.