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NCERT Book Biology Class 12


CBSE Class 12 NCERT Books for Biology PDF - Free Download

The National Council of Educational Research (NCERT) was established in 1961, to spearhead a centralised system of education and publish textbooks that adhere to the school curriculum in India. Students reading in schools affiliated to the CBSE and who are about to appear for their class 12th Board examination in Biology, refer to the 12th class Biology NCERT books to improve their preparation.

The NCERT Biology class 12 PDF guide offer students a clear idea of each chapter and an outline of key ideas and concepts. You can also refer to class 12 Biology NCERT solutions while practising sample question papers, to know the kind of questions that can be asked.

NCERT Books For Class 12 Biology; Free PDF Download

NCERT Books for Class 12 Biology cover diverse topics such as genetics, ecology, human physiology, and biotechnology. The greatest advantage is that these books can be freely downloaded in PDF format, making them accessible to all. You can download the NCERT Book for Class 12 Biology in both English and Hindi Languages. Get the link to download Class 12, Biology NCERT Books from the table below.

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NCERT Books for CBSE Class 12 Biology PDF Free Download

CBSE Class 12 Biology: Benefits of Choosing Biology.

Biology is, without a doubt, the most crucial subject in Class 11th and 12th for medical students. Biology is a branch of science that educates us about ourselves and the natural world. As a result, it is a broad discipline with applications in a variety of fields, including health, genetics, biotechnology, and other industrial applications. It allows you to gain a deeper understanding of diverse living creatures, such as humans, animals, and plants. It also illustrates how they're related to one another. Biology also teaches students about how living things interact with their surroundings and how this can be beneficial to them. It solves environmental problems without sacrificing anything in the process. Biology also aids in the resolution of issues with natural resources such as plants and wildlife.

CBSE Class 12 Biology: Exam pattern, Unit Wise Weightage:

  • The question paper will contain 33 questions separated into multiple sections, with all questions being mandatory. Section A, Section B, Section C, and Section D will be the four sections of the question paper.

  • Section–A will consist of 14 one-mark questions and two case-based questions. There will be 9 questions in Section B, each worth two marks. There will be 5 questions in Section–C, each worth three marks. There will be three questions in Section–D, each worth five marks.

  • There will be no overall option, although internal options will be available for some questions.The exam's competencies are: 50 percent of the marks are awarded for demonstrating knowledge and understanding. 30 percent of your mark is based on your ability to apply your knowledge and concepts.20 percent of the marks are allocated to Analyze, Evaluate, and Create. 

  • Types of inquiries: SA; LA- I; LA-II; Source-based/ Case-based/ Passage-based/ Integrated assessment questions; VSA including MCQs, Assertion – Reasoning type questions; SA; LA- I; LA-II; Source-based/ Case-based/ Passage-based/ Integrated assessment questions.

Unit No.








Reproduction in Organisms



Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants


Human Reproduction


Reproductive Health


Genetics and Evolution


Principles of Inheritance and Variation



Molecular Basis of Inheritance




Biology and Human Welfare


Human Health and Disease



Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production


Microbes in Human Welfare




Biotechnology – Principles and Processes



Biotechnology and its Applications


Ecology and Environment


Organisms and Populations





Biodiversity and Conservation


Environmental Issues



The table above contains all of the information about the CBSE Class 12 Biology weightage.

NCERT Biology Class 12 PDF Free Download

In the new NCERT Biology class 12 syllabus, students are faced with the prospect of learning about diverse life processes and learn how every organism survives and adapts to their environment.

Major biological concepts covered in NCERT Biology class 12 PDF include reproduction in flowering plants, genetics and the molecular basis of inheritance in living organisms. 

The course content will help students prepare well in advance for their board examinations and give them an edge over other students in terms of marks scored. For students who are looking to pursue careers in medicine or pharmacology, this class 12 NCERT Biology PDF will come very handy.

Chapter 1: Reproduction in Organisms

Reproduction in living organisms is the first chapter discussed in the NCERT Biology Class 12 PDF. The simple biological process by which living organisms procreate and give birth to new organisms is called reproduction, and it consists of both internal and external reproductive organs.

The very process of reproduction plays a very crucial role in ensuring the continuity of any species. Thanks to the vital role it plays in the survival of different species of living organisms, scientists consider reproduction as one of the most essential life systems in our body.

12th NCERT Biology will look at the various modes of reproduction, how unicellular and multicellular organisms reproduce, what is meant by binary fission and so on. 

Chapter 2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Sexual reproduction in flowering plants is among the most important chapters in the NCERT Biology class 12 PDF.  Angiosperms or flowering plants reproduce sexually by utilising the male and female gametes, produced by the flower. All parts of a flower help in the process of reproduction, and therefore, to understand how reproduction in flowering plants works, students need to study and revise from the 12th NCERT Biology book.

A flower, which is the reproductive part of the plant, has several parts: the sepals, calyx, pedicel, stamen or the male reproductive part and the petals. The stamen further comprises a filament and anther, while the pistil, which is the female reproductive part, consists of the stigma, style and ovary.

Chapter 3: Human Reproduction

Humans reproduce and give birth to their young ones sexually, and the process involves several steps, mainly pre-fertilisation, internal fertilisation and post-fertilisation. The human reproductive system comprises both the male and female reproductive system, indicating a highly complex and differentiated mode of reproduction.

As you go through the 12th NCERT Biology book PDF, you’ll find all stages of reproduction covered here, including embryogenesis, how gametes form, and the mitotic division of the zygote, post fertilisation. 

All processes leading up to reproduction, such as the onset of puberty, sexual differentiation and secondary sexual characteristics are discussed in detail in this NCERT Biology Class 12 PDF.

Chapter 4: Reproductive Health

The state of absolute mental, social and physical well-being and the absence of disease, in terms of all reproductive processes, are known as reproductive health. It is also a crucial chapter that's part of the NCERT Biology class 12 PDF syllabus and needs to be studied rigorously to identify and build a healthy society.

India was among the first countries in the world to initiate and regulate family planning policies, as part of a higher social goal to attain complete reproductive health and also control population explosion. This is highlighted in the class 12 NCERT Biology book PDF, which is essential reading if you want to prepare well for your board exams next year.

Chapter 5: Principles of Inheritance and Variation

This chapter in the NCERT class 12 Biology book PDF throws light on the process by which genetic information is passed on from one generation to another. It explains why members of a family tend to look similar, how we get our genes from our parents and how genetic material is inherited during sexual reproduction.

Gregor Johann Mendel first explained how traits are passed from one generation to another. He was able to do so by conducting a series of experiments on the pea plants, and by carefully observing how traits expressed themselves in the filial plant generation. The NCERT Biology class 12 PDF also details how traits can pass themselves in varying patterns and specifying ratios, manifesting themselves as phenotypes and genotypes in the offspring. 

Chapter 6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance

As discussed above, genes form the basis of genetic inheritance in living organisms. We often hear how we look similar to our parents or resemble our younger siblings. But how does this happen? In the Biology class 12 NCERT book PDF, you will learn how genes are located in chromosomes, and chromosomes further comprise of DNA and proteins. 

DNA is the molecule that forms the basis of genetics, inheritance and variation in living organisms. It has a double-helical structure, made of nucleotides, which are the fundamental units or building blocks of DNA.

Chapter 7: Evolution

When you watch an elephant drinking water, or a tiger leaping to catch its prey, you are essentially observing a highly-evolved mammoth or sabre-toothed tiger doing so. The seventh chapter of the NCERT Biology class 12 new edition PDF talks about how a particular species displays drastic changes in its characteristics, over several years to better adapt to its environment, or survive, a direct result of natural selection.

The process of evolution relies on the genetic variations and differences in observed phenotypes. According to Charles Darwin, evolution is mediated by natural selection; that is, individuals with better strategies are likely to survive more than the others, making evolution an essential chapter for class 12 students. 

Chapter 8: Human Health and Disease

The definition of health has, over time, somewhat changed and evolved. According to the World Health Organisation’s definition of health, health is not merely the absence of a major illness or terminal disease. It is the state of absolute mental, social and physical integrity in an individual, such that the individual can perform all daily functions of life without any difficulty.

In the NCERT textbook class 12 Biology, stress is laid on the various factors governing good health in individuals, such as a balanced diet, a strict exercise regimen and proper sanitation. 

How a healthy person reacts to an agent of disease depends on his or her immunity. The ability to protect the body against various disease-causing factors is known as immunity. Diseases can be broadly categorised into infectious and non-infectious as you will soon learn.

Chapter 9: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

As the NCERT Biology class 12 PDF download illustrates, food production is the essential touchstone of how and what we consume as food. Food comprises all such substances that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Food is the source of all the primary nutrients that keep our bodies running, and must contain adequate amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats and minerals.

So what is food production? It is a set of processes that starts from growing, cultivating, harvesting, packaging and transporting up to consuming it, to meet our bodily needs. The NCERT Biology class 12 PDF covers the basics of food production as well as novel methods that are being employed to improve the quality of food produced, such as animal and plant breeding.

Chapter 10: Microbes in Human Welfare

The air and the atmosphere around is teeming with multitudes of microbial organisms, some friendly and some dangerous. Microorganisms commonly include all bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, viruses, prions and viroids. These may be unicellular as well as multicellular, for instance, bacteria, protozoa and certain types of algae are unicellular while algae and fungi, in general, are multicellular organisms. 

A lot of these, as the 12th Biology NCERT PDF illustrates, can be used for the welfare of human beings. Examples include the E.coli that resides in the small intestine and the Lactobacillus which is used in the curdling of milk, in the manufacturing of cheese and yoghurt. These microbes are invisible to the naked eye and can be observed only through a microscope.

Chapter 11: Biotechnology – Principles and Processes

Biotechnology is the science that harnesses the advantages of both biology and other emerging technologies. According to the NCERT 12th Biology book PDF, biotechnology encompasses all the biomolecular and cellular processes, in a beneficial mix that can help improve life on Earth drastically.

Although the field of Biotechnology is a recently emerged one, we have nevertheless employed the many principles of biotechnology in making food products, such as bread, butter and cheese. The extent to which Biotechnology has helped to solve the world's many dire issues by using genetic tools and processes, is massive.

Chapter 12: Biotechnology and its Applications

Biotechnology is a fast-evolving field that revolves around cutting-edge research and development, in critical areas such as molecular biology, chemistry, biochemistry among others. Biotechnology helps resolve problems like: how do diseases spread? Why are some people prone to cancer while others are not?

Biotechnologists, as you will soon learn in the NCERT Biology class 12 PDF, focus on how genetics can be used to cure fatal diseases, how plant varieties can be improved by using vectors and so on. The field of Biotechnology employs several tools from biochemistry, biology and genetics to answer the world’s most puzzling mysteries.

Chapter 13: Organisms and Populations

When you are studying how a chameleon camouflages itself in some foliage or studying about how climate change greatly affects our world, you are essentially doing the work of an ecologist. So what is ecology?

According to the NCERT books class 12 Biology, ecology is a study of the various relationships between diverse living organisms, such as animals and their surroundings, how humans leave an impact on the environment and the many vital interconnections between abiotic and biotic components of the atmosphere. 

In this chapter, you’ll learn about the complex relationships between plants and animals, how populations grow, as well as microscopic bacteria growing all around us. Knowledge of ecology is vital to our understanding of the environment and how we can effectively manage our resources.

Chapter 14: Ecosystems

There remain several species of plants and animals, which have been declared as a keystone species of an ecosystem. These can be extremely vulnerable and even be on the verge of extinction. 

Ecosystems are stretches of geographic terrain or water where various species of animals, plants and microbial organisms coexist together. Ecosystems contain both abiotic and biotic components, such as animals, plants, rocks, humidity and sunshine. 

The class 12 biology NCERT PDF download entails all such factors, as well as describing how different physical components like temperature affect our ecosystems.

Chapter 15: Biodiversity and Conservation

The penultimate chapter of the NCERT Biology class 12 PDF, biodiversity is an umbrella term used for all the diverse species of living organisms that coexist on Earth, which includes all the plants, animals, human beings and bacteria living on the planet. According to scientists, our planet houses more than 8.7 million species of living organisms at present.

Of these, only 1.2 million species have been studied, identified and observed, leaving the rest in a vortex of the unknown. While the planet's biodiversity is vibrant and teeming with life, to say the least, it stands on the precipice of extinction and survival against all the odds.

Human activities, such as pollution, deforestation and industrialisation have threatened the sanctity of life on Earth, and you will learn all about how conservation can help prevent it, in this chapter.

Chapter 16: Environmental Issues

In NCERT Biology class 12, attention is paid to how issues pose an immense risk to our environment, and also threaten the survival of keystone species. With an ever-increasing population, more and more land stands are exposed to human exploitation, making the study of environmental issues crucial to our existence.

This sums up all the chapters covered in the NCERT book class 12 biology PDF. A quick read through this will help you figure out the most important parts and what to focus on.

Result to Consult the NCERT Biology Class 12 PDF

Before you start with studying from the NCERT class 12 Biology PDF download, you must know why referring to NCERT is so essential. Studying from the NCERT books offers several advantages, including the following:

  1. Clear and concise presentation: What a lot of books lack is clear and precise handling of facts, which the NCERT books, not surprisingly, do well. All NCERT science books are authored by eminent science writers, after extensive research. This makes the books extremely reliable, and students can be assured that studying from these books will fetch them excellent marks.

  2. Explanation of all basic concepts: What makes the NCERT biology books the best choice for students is the fact that they outline all basic ideas and concepts that are part of the biology syllabus. In fact, if you happen to go through past years’ papers, you’ll notice how almost every question asked is from the NCERT books. 

  3. More scope for problem-solving: Every NCERT book, no matter what subject, features a section comprising some important questions, at the end of each chapter. More often than not, these questions are asked in the following year's board exams. They also feature a level of difficulty that makes them essential practising. They help students practise beforehand and stay prepared to face any kind of question, no matter how tough.

  4. Improving communication skills: The NCERT books are traditionally written in very lucid and simple language, contributing to the student’s communication skills and enhancing their understanding of key concepts.

  5. Interactive Charts and Figures: NCERT books, prescribed by the CBSE, feature a host of colourful illustrations, eye-catching tables and charts that make learning easy and simplified. The layout of NCERT books is simple and clear, making the learning process fun and interactive.

These are the many benefits of studying from the NCERT books. Not only do they help you prepare well, but they also make you confident enough to pass your examinations with flying colours!

Tips to excel CBSE Class 12 Biology:

  • In a conceptually dependent topic like Biology, taking notes while teaching would be quite beneficial. It not only aids in the process of recalling terms when writing, but it also aids in last-minute preparation tactics for students. Because this subject is heavy on theory, it is helpful to make diagrams and arrange the preparation framework around them in order to maintain the students' interest. 

  • A complex theoretical solution to a question can be reduced to a simple explanatory answer by drawing the appropriate diagrams, such as DNA structure and cell biology.

  • To make chapters like Genetics and Biotechnology simple, they must be thoroughly grasped. They go hand in hand. Thus, they should be prepared at the same time. The 14-mark chapters (reproduction, environment, and human wellbeing) are large in scope and contain numerous complex subtopics, thus they should be prepared first.

  • Participate in class because some of the topics can be clarified with the help of the professors. Comparing notes and asking questions among friends is also a good idea, as ideas that are shared lead to more ideas.

  • Before taking an exam, you should review the NCERT material at least three times. Use mnemonics to remember long biological names. Break up the names in a way that makes them easier to recall.

  • If one pays attention in lab classes, one can easily obtain 30 points on the Practical exam. Even though you will be paired with a lab partner, it is crucial to have hands-on experience because the final test will be conducted in this manner.

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At Vedantu, you are a stone’s throw away from resounding success in your examinations. Through live demo classes that you can watch from the comfort of your homes, online assessments, and doubt-clearing sessions with mentors, Vedantu aims to help students score extra points when it comes to competitive exams!

Vedantu makes all study material and reference papers free for your use, including the NCERT Biology class 12 PDF free download, so that you don’t have to worry about scouting for study material everywhere, anymore.

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FAQs on NCERT Book Biology Class 12

1. Why should you Study from the NCERT Books PDF Class 12 Biology?

The NCERT books feature clear and precise handling of facts. All NCERT science books are authored by eminent science writers, after extensive research. This makes the books entirely reliable, and students can be assured that studying from these books will fetch them great marks. NCERT not only ensures that you understand the subject at hand, but also highlights the contributions of famous researchers in that discipline. NCERT shines like a light in the universe of books because of its integrated curriculum, fundamental clarity, short summary, important points, inquisitive inquiries about the topic, and numerical problems.

2. What are some Important Chapters for the Biology CBSE Exam?

Some important chapters in the NCERT book for class 12 biology are, reproduction in organisms, human reproduction, reproductive health, sexual reproduction in flowering plants, molecular basis of inheritance, evolution, human health and disease, etc. Applied Biology, Human Physiology, Modern Genetics, and Environmental Science are the easiest but most crucial chapters for students who arrange their priorities at the last minute of the exam.Biology is a densely packed course that necessitates several readings. It's a good idea to make flowcharts to help you recall the steps. Make point-by-point summaries in your own words for the major subjects.

3. How many Class 12 Biology NCERT Solutions Available on Vedantu?

Solutions to questions on all 16 chapters in the Biology CBSE exam syllabus are on Vedantu. These have been prepared by Vedantu's team of subject-matter experts, and offer a precise and clear presentation of concepts. These NCERT solutions are available for your use in the form of PDFs, free study material and notes and can be accessed on all devices. The NCERT solutions provided by Vedantu continue to be the greatest study resource for Biology in Class 12 due to its all-encompassing nature and strict adherence to CBSE requirements. These answers are available at Vedantu website for free.

4. How many Units are Covered in the NCERT Biology Class 12 PDF Book?

There are sixteen chapters in the NCERT book for class 12 biology in total. All of these are conveniently categorised into five major units, such that students can easily chalk out the most important parts, and devote time to these accordingly. As said earlier, there are five units and, Unit 1 is about reproduction, unit 2 is about genetics and evolution, unit 3 is about biology and human welfare, unit 4 is about biotechnology and its applications, and unit 5 is about ecology and environment. 

5. What are the most important questions from Unit-4 in CBSE Class 12 Biology?

The fourth unit, "Biotechnology and Its Applications," has a 12-point weighting. It consists of only two chapters and is the smallest unit in the NCERT biology textbook for class 12th. 

  • "Biotechnology - Principles and Processes" is the first chapter of this unit, and the book's 11th chapter. Restriction Enzymes, their nomenclature, and how they work, Gel Electrophoresis, Cloning Vector, DNA Isolation, and Bio-reactors are only a few of the significant topics. In terms of board exams, the diagrams in this chapter should be taken seriously. 

  • The key subjects covered in Chapter 12 are: Application of Biotechnology in Agriculture, Human Insulin and Vaccine Production, Gene Therapy, and Transgenic Animals. The two chapters of this unit will include short questions for 1, 2, or 3 marks.