CBSE Class 12 NCERT Books for History PDF - Free Download
FAQs on NCERT Book Class 12 History PDF
1. How NCERT book class 12 history PDF helps students to understand history?
NCERT Book 12th History explains the fundamental concepts in simple and easy language so that students can grasp them quickly. Additionally, the important information is given in charts and tables to help students understand the context of each chapter. The NCERT Book Class 12 History PDF provides you with plenty of information regarding the history of India throughout the years. It explains every event of the past in detail to ensure that you understand the significance of these events.
2. What are the contents of contemporary world history old NCERT class 12?
The 12th NCERT history book is divided into three parts. The first part contains four chapters, the second has five chapters, and the third one has six chapters. Each of these sections deals with different periods, and their historical significance in the formation of present-day India. The NCERT Book Class 12 History gives you a deep insight into the historical facts related to the 1947 Partition, Colonial Cities, Rebels, and much more. With these chapters, you will get to know a lot about the history of India.
3. How can I prepare for class 12 old NCERT history?
A systematic approach will enable you to study better. Hence, you should start by making a routine. Set a time to revise each topic/chapter in a subject. After revision, you should try to solve mock tests and previous year questions to test your understanding. Evaluate your marks in these sample papers to check how much you know about the subject. It will help you point out your weak points in Class 12 History so that you can work on them. Also, make a note of all the important dates and events, which are crucial for examinations.
4. What are the main aims of NCERT?
Some of the main aims of NCERT are to improve the quality of education for the betterment of society. It also assists the Government in matters related to education and academics. Additionally, these books look to improve the quality of teacher training to meet the increasing demands of the school system. It is responsible for developing the syllabus, National Curriculum Framework, textbooks, and other learning material for school-level education. Lastly, they promote more research in the field of education to encourage innovative ideas and practices in this field.
5. How to download the NCERT Book Class 12 History Free PDF?
You can easily download the NCERT Book Class 12 History PDF from Vedantu’s official site or mobile app. This reliable PDF is available on our website at no cost at all. All you have to do is create an account on Vedantu and download the PDF format of the NCERT Book Class 12 History for free. If you need any other study material such as revision notes, sample papers, NCERT solutions, important questions, etc., Vedantu is the best online platform for you.