CBSE Class 12 NCERT Books for Physics PDF - Free Download
FAQs on NCERT Books for Class 12 Physics
1. How Can I Prepare Physics for Class 12?
Firstly, you need to thoroughly go through the entire NECRT physics book for class 12 to get a good understanding of all the chapters. Critical reading of the entire textbook enables you to answer the MCQs correctly. Once you are done with that, start solving previous years’ question papers. For that, download NCERT 12 physics PDF solution and start practising. Lastly, before the exams revise the entire book thoroughly.
2. Which is the Toughest Chapter in Class 12 Physics?
Often class 12 students consider Rotation to be one of the toughest chapters. Apart from that, students also tend to skip chapters like fluid mechanics, waves and SHM. However, with proper understanding, any chapter can be learned with ease. For that, you need to cover the entire book and revise them frequently.
3. Which Books are the Best for Class 12 Physics?
Primarily NCERT textbook for class 12 physics is the best for learning physics. Apart from that, there are several books that you can consult to develop a deeper understanding of all the chapters of your syllabus. For example, H.C. Verma, Xam Idea, Pradeep’s Publications are great options for a reference study.
4. What are the Most Important Topics for Physics Class 12?
Some of the essential topics for Physics class 12 include Optics, Electromagnetics, AC AND, EMI, Magnetism and Magnetic effects of current, Electronic devices, Current Electricity and others. However, try not to skip any chapter if you want to score well in the board examination.