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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8 Kathmandu


NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8 - Kathmandu Free PDF Download

NCERT Solution for class 9 English Kathmandu presents to you comprehensive answers for all questions given in your textbook. It is essential to have a firm grasp on Class 9 English Kathmandu to secure impressive marks in your class 9 English exam. All answers are prepared and structured by reputed English teachers with many years of experience. A significant focus has been put on questions that are important for your exams. These answers are presented to you in the easiest way possible. 

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NCERT Solutions For Class 9


Class 9 English Beehive

Chapter Name:

Chapter 8 - Kathmandu

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

  • Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

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Access NCERT Solutions For Class 9 English Chapter No. 8 – Kathmandu

Thinking about the Text 

1. On the following map mark out the route, which the author thought of but did not take, to Delhi. 

Map of North India

Ans: The author thought of taking the following route:

From Kathmandu to Patna by bus or train, then Benaras followed by Allahabad and Agra and finally from there to Delhi.

I. Answer these questions in one or two words or in short phrases. 

1. Name the two temples the author visited in Kathmandu. 

Ans:  Pashupatinath temple and Boudhanath stupa.

2. The writer says, “All this I wash down with Coca Cola.” What does ‘all this’ refer to? 

Ans: Here, ‘all this’ refers to a bar of marzipan, a corn-on-the-cob rubbed with salt, chili, and lemon roasted in a charcoal stove and reading a few love story comics and a reader’s digest.

3. What does Vikram Seth compare to the quills of a porcupine?

Ans: Vikram Seth compares a flute seller to the quills of a porcupine. The flute seller was holding a long pole that had around fifty to sixty flutes at its top.

4. Name five kinds of flutes.

Ans: The following are the five kinds of flutes:

  • The reed neh

  • The Japanese Shakuhachi

  • The deep bansuri of Hindustani classical music

  • The clear or breathy flutes of South America

  • The high pitched Chinese flutes

II. Answer each question in a short paragraph. 

1. What difference does the author note between the flute seller and the other hawkers?

Ans: The author sees that while other vendors were shouting to attract the customers, the flute seller frequently selected one of his flutes and played it slowly, meditatively. He also made occasional sales. This is the difference the author notes between the flute seller and the other hawkers.

2. What is the belief at Pashupatinath about the end of Kaliyug?

Ans:  At Pashupatinath, there is a small shrine that half protrudes from the stone platform at the bank of the Bagmati river. It is believed that when it fully emerges, the goddess inside will come out and then the evil kalyug period will end.

3. The author has drawn powerful images and pictures. Pick out three examples each of 

1. The atmosphere of ‘febrile confusion outside the temple of Pashupatinath (for example some people trying to get the priest’s attention are elbowed aside…) 

Ans: The pictures of ‘febrile confusion outside the temple of Pashupatinath drawn by the author are: two monkeys fighting with each other, a royal Nepalese princess for whom everybody makes way, and a group of saffron-clad westerners struggling to enter the temple as the temple allowed only Hindus to enter.

2. The things he sees 

Ans: The author has drawn very powerful and beautiful images of what he sees. Some are as follows: the things he sees at the Pashupatinath temple and Boudhanath stupa, like, the hawkers selling flutes, fruits, postcards, and various shops selling western cosmetics, chocolate, Nepalese antiques and copper utensils, etc.

3. The sounds he hears

Ans: The sounds he hears are, the sound of various hawkers and vendors shouting out their wares, the sound of movie songs coming out of the radio, the sounds of car horns and bicycle bell rings, etc.

III. Answer the following questions in not more than 100 − 150 words each. 

1. Compare and contrast the atmosphere in and around the Baudhnath shrine with the Pashupathinath temple. 

Ans: The main difference between the atmosphere at the Baudhnath shrine and the Pashupatinath temple is that the Pashupatinath temple was a noisy and highly chaotic place while the atmosphere at the Baudhnath shrine was quite calm.

At Pashupatinath temple, there were so many things happening simultaneously and adding to the chaos. For example, the monkeys were fighting, people were struggling to enter the temple. The people were pushing each other to get to the front and struggling to get the attention of the priest. At the bank of the river Bagmati, washerwomen were washing their clothes while a corpse was being cremated.

On the contrary, the Baudhnath shrine was very quiet. There was no crowd. The author felt that it was a heaven of quietness in the busy streets around.

2. How does the author describe Kathmandu’s busiest streets? 

Ans: The author describes the busiest streets of Kathmandu on the basis of the things he sees and the sounds he hears. The author describes that along the busiest streets of Kathmandu, there were several small shrines and flower-adorned deities. Also, there were many hawkers selling fruits, flutes, postcards, copper utensils, film rolls, chocolates, and some Nepalese antiques shouting out their wares.

He also hears some sounds on these streets, such as the sound of movie songs blaring out of a radio, sounds of the honking of the cars, and the sound of bicycle bells.

The author also draws a beautiful picture of the flute seller not shouting but producing calm music with his flutes which could be heard over the honking of the vehicles and the shouting of other vendors.

3. “To hear any flute is to be drawn into the commonality of all mankind.” Why does the author say this? 

Ans: The author believes that the music of a flute is “the most universal and most particular” of all the music. The flute is present in all cultures. There are different types of flutes used around the world, be it the reed neh, the recorder, the Japanese shakuhachi, the deep bansuri of Hindustani classical music, the clear or breathy flutes of South America, the high-pitched Chinese flutes. Even though these different flutes have different fingering and compass, but, the author believes that in spite of their differences, all the flutes produce music with the help of the human breath. Hence, for an author, “to hear any flute is to be drawn into the commonality of all mankind” because just like flutes, humans also have the same living breath running through all of them despite the differences in their caste, culture, religion, region, etc. The author believes that all human beings are the same.

Thinking About Language 

I. Read the following sentences carefully to understand the meaning of the italicised phrases. Then match the phrasal verbs in Column A with their meanings in Column B. 

1. A communal war broke out when the princess was abducted by the neighboring prince. 

2. The cockpit broke off from the plane during the plane crash. 

3. The car broke down on the way and we were left stranded in the jungle. 

4. The dacoit broke away from the police as they took him to court. 

5. The brothers broke up after the death of the father. 

6. The thief broke into our house when we were away.



i. Break out

a. To come apart due to force

ii. Break off

b. End a relationship

iii. Break down

c. Break and enter illegally, unlawful trespassing

iv. Break away

d. Of start suddenly, (usually a fight, a war or a disease)

v. Break up

e. To escape from someone’s grip

vi. Break into

f. Stop working




i. Break out

d. Of start suddenly, (usually a fight, a war or a disease)

ii. Break off

a. to come apart due to force 

iii. Break down

f. Stop working

iv. Break away

e.  To escape from someone’s grip

v. Break up

b. end a relationship 

vi. Break into

c. break and enter illegally; unlawful trespassing


1. Use the suffixes −ion or −tion to form nouns from the following verbs. Make the necessary changes in the spellings of the words. 

Example: proclaim − proclamation 














Cremate- cremation



Invent- invention

Tempt- temptation


Direct- direction

Meditate- meditation

Imagine- imagination

Dislocate- dislocation

Associate- association

Dedicate- dedication

2. Now fill in the blanks with suitable words from the ones that you have formed. 

I. Mass literacy was possible only after the ___ of the printing machine. 

II. Ramesh is unable to tackle the situation as he lacks ___. 

III. I could not resist the ___ to open the letter. 

IV. Hard work and ___are the main keys to success. 

V. The children were almost fainting with ___after being made to stand in the sun. 


I. invention

II. direction

III. temptation

IV. dedication

V. exhaustion

III. Punctuation 

Use capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas, and inverted commas wherever necessary in the following paragraph. 

an arrogant lion was wandering through the jungle one day he asked the tiger who is stronger than you O lion replied the tiger who is more fierce than a leopard asked the lion you sir replied the leopard he marched up to an elephant and asked the same question the elephant picked him up in his trunk swung him in the air and threw him down look said the lion there is no need to get mad just because you don’t know the answer. 

Ans: An arrogant lion was wandering through the jungle. One day, he asked the tiger, “Who is stronger than you?” “You, O lion!” replied the tiger. “Who is more fierce than a leopard?” asked the lion. “You sir,” replied the leopard. He marched up to an elephant and asked the same question. The elephant picked him up in his trunk, swung him in the air, and threw him down. “Look,” said the lion, “there is no need to get mad just because you don’t know the answer.”

IV. Simple Present Tense 

In these sentences words like everyday, often, seldom, never, every 

month, generally, usually, etc. may be used. 

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets. 

I. The heart is a pump that ___(send) the blood circulating through our body. The pumping action ___(take place) when the left ventricle of the heart ___(contract). This ___(force) the blood out into the arteries, which ___(expand) to receive the oncoming blood.

Ans: sends, takes place, contracts, forces, expands

II. The African lungfish can live without water for up to four years. During drought, it ___(dig) a pit and ___(enclose) itself in a capsule of slime and earth, leaving a tiny opening for air. The capsule ___(dry) and ___(harden), but when rain ___(come), the mud ___(dissolve) and the lungfish ___(swim) away. 

Ans: digs, encloses, dries, hardens, comes, dissolves, swims

III. Mahesh: We have to organise a class party for our teacher. ___(Do) anyone play an instrument? 

Vipul: Rohit ___(play) the flute. 

Mahesh: ___(Do) he also act? 

Vipul: No, he ___(compose) music. 

Mahesh: That’s wonderful! 






NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8 Kathmandu

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8 – Free PDF Download

NCERT class 9 English Beehive chapter 8 solutions are available for you to download in PDF format. This PDF contains all the possible solutions that you will be requiring for your exams. It has proven to be an excellent resource for students to refer to just before their exams. 

Downloading the PDF makes it easy for you to carry the study material wherever you go in any form you like. The NCERT solutions have helped many students to secure excellent grades and reach their desired goals. Download the PDF today for free and learn everything there is to know about NCERT solutions of class 9th English chapter Kathmandu. Sometimes knowing the story or poem is not enough since you could be given to write intricate character sketches and comparisons.  Kathmandu NCERT solutions Class 9 comes in really handy for these types of questions. 


CBSE Class 9 English Kathmandu

Kathmandu is an excerpt from a book named ‘Heaven Lake’. Here, the author describes his visit to the city of Kathmandu which he thought to be one of the busiest cities. He charms us by sharing his unique experiences while travelling to the famous temples and tourist destinations. 

He narrates to us the different scenarios he encountered when visiting the Pashupatinath and the Boudhanath temple. While visiting the Pashupatinath temple, he notices a pandemonium on the roads due the huge gatherings of priests, tourists and animals.

On the other hand, the visit to the Boudhanath temple was a calming experience.  There were street vendors selling jewelleries and other items on the pavements.

You might be unable to comprehend all meanings of some of the difficult words in the text. All these meanings are provided clearly in the NCERT solutions. 

The solutions also include a summary of the Kathmandu chapter of Class 9th, which most students find very beneficial. The summary provided is precise and very efficiently conveys the basic outline of the story. 

Revising the answers before your important exams has never been more effortless. You will find both short and long answers to every question that you might have to write in your exams. Kathmandu Class 9 CBSE requires you to know the story thoroughly so that you can answer all the questions correctly. 


Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8

The NCERT Class 9 English Beehive Kathmandu solutions have proven to be extremely beneficial for most students. Here are some of the benefits -

  • Comprehensive Answers: The answers provided are detailed and straightforward. It is effortless for students to understand the meaning and prepare themselves for their exams.

  • Meanings of Difficult Words: The story contains some words that are difficult to understand. NCERT solutions make it easy for you to understand the meaning of the words by providing synonyms or easily understandable phrases. 

  • Follow CBSE Guidelines: All the answers are prepared in line with the rules and regulations of CBSE. The solutions of Ch 8 English Class 9 Beehive are produced by a team of highly qualified professionals with many years of experience. 

  • Smart Way of Learning: CBSE Class 9 English Kathmandu has been made easy through a smart learning process. Students can now prepare for all questions by studying from the NCERT solutions, which consists of all the important questions which are relevant for your exams. 

  • Reduces Revision Time: Revising what you have studied before exams is crucial to score the best marks. NCERT solutions of class 9th English Beehive chapter Kathmandu significantly reduces your revision time. The answers are lucid, short, and to the point; you will be ready for your exams faster. 

  • Provides Summary: NCERT solutions offer an overview of Kathmandu class 9. It becomes simple for students to understand the chapter within a brief period. 

  • Highlights the Important Questions: NCERT solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Ch 8 emphasizes on all the relevant questions. More than adequate material is provided to help students prepare for their exams.  

CBSE class 9 English Kathmandu solutions are available here in PDF format free of charge. NCERT solution for class 9 English Beehive chapter 8 has helped students all over India to prepare for their regular class tests and annual examinations.


NCERT Solution for class 9 English Kathmandu presents to you comprehensive answers for all questions given in your textbook. It is essential to have a firm grasp on Class 9 English Kathmandu to secure impressive marks in your class 9 English exam. All answers are prepared and structured by reputed English teachers with many years of experience. A significant focus has been put on questions that are important for your exams. These answers are presented to you in the easiest way possible. 

Important Study Material Links for Class 9 Chapter 8


Study Material Links for Chapter 8 Kathmandu


Class 9 Kathmandu Revision Notes


Class 9 Kathmandu Important Questions

Chapters-wise NCERT Class 9 English Beehive

Chapters-wise NCERT Class 9 English Beehive (Poem)

Study Material for NCERT Class 9 English:

Now that you have a thorough understanding of the NCERT Syllabus for Class 9 English, you can take a look at some of the material that will take your preparation to the next level. These can be used as supplementary material to your main study routine:

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8 Kathmandu

1. How do NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8 help the students?

Vedantu provides Beehive Class 9 Chapter 8 answers free of cost in a PDF format which is easily downloadable. All answers are detailed and easily understandable. Now you do not need to worry about preparing answers from your textbooks anymore. 

The comprehensive yet precise answers are the secret behind scoring high marks in any examination. It also encourages all students to frame and write long answers on their own. 

Download the PDF now from our platform and gain access to the solutions of Class 9 English Kathmandu. Studying at home and preparing for your crucial exams has never been this easy.  

Aside from NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8 Vedantu also provides a range of study material and solutions for other subjects to help you stand out in your class and achieve your dreams. 

2. What are the key features of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Beehive English Chapter 8?

Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Beehive English Chapter 8 Kathmandu is best for you because it consists of a summary of the chapter that helps you in remembering all the important points from the chapter. It has all the meanings of difficult words. All the important questions from the chapter are highlighted too, which reduces the time for revision. 

3. Which is the best site to study NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Beehive English Chapter 8?

Vedantu is the best site to get your hands on the best NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Beehive English Chapter 8 Kathmandu. This is the best as it comes with a summary of the chapter, which is very easy to comprehend. It has all the definitions of different words. You also get highlighted important questions, so when you are sitting down to revise, you do not have to waste much time. 

4. What type of place is Kathmandu?

According to the author, Kathmandu is a city full of hustle-bustle and life. The crowds have a lot to offer and there are a number of vendors who are selling fruits, copper utensils, chocolates, postcards, etc. There are temples and shrines across the street. Noises of horns, radio, the mooing of cows, and the screams of vendors. You can find imported products like cosmetics, chocolates, camera rolls, and Nepalese antiques. 

5. Why were the Worshippers pushing their way to the front?

At the Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu, there is a huge crowd of worshippers. The chaos includes hawkers, worshippers, priests, tourists, and devotees. The worshippers are pushing their way to the front and hitting each other with elbows because they want to move ahead so that they can reach the priest and get his blessings. But as a royal princess arrives, everyone moves apart to give way to her. 

6. How does the author describe Kathmandu?

Kathmandu is a busy place that has much to offer to us. It has busy streets with multiple vendors selling eatables, fruits, utensils made of copper, postcards, imported products like chocolates and antiques. The city is filled with joy. There are temples and shrines with crowds of devotees, worshippers and priests. The noise is coming from the hawkers and vendors, the animals, horns of vehicles and radio programs.