NEET Important Questions for Biology - Animal Kingdom
FAQs on Animal Kingdom NEET Questions 2025
1. How is Animal Kingdom Classified? Describe Cellular, Tissue, and Organ level organization.
Animal Kingdom is classified based on some common features that are fundamental like cellular arrangement, absence and presence of coelom, digestive features, circulation and respiratory system, body symmetry, etc. We will discuss some of these levels:
Cellular Level Organisation: cells arranged in loose arrangements. These kinds of cells are present in Porifera ( Sponges ).
Tissue Level Organisation: Cells that perform the same function with the help of tissues. This level of organisation is present in Coelenterates.
Organ Level Organization: Tissues are grouped. These tissues then form organs performing a particular [erson. Present in Platyhelminthes.
2. What is Phylum Porifera?
Phylum Porifera are sponges. Their features are mentioned below:
They are marine creatures, they are asymmetrical and have a cellular level of organization
They intake food and do a gaseous exchange. The excretion in the body happens via a water transport system
The water that enters their body goes in through pores named Ostia and go out from the body via Osculum
There is a cavity that helps in the above-mentioned process named Spongocoel
This cavity is lined by choanocytes ( collar cells )
Porifera’s body is made up of spicules
They reproduce sexually, from fragmentation
Examples are Spongilla and Sycon
3. What are Cuclostomata?
Cyclostomata is known as Circular Mounted Fish. Their features are discussed below:
They have a moth that is circular and sucking, they do not have jaws
They are ectoparasites
They have six to fifteen pairs of gills
They do not have scales and fins
They have a cartilaginous vertebral column
They have cranium
They have a closed type of circulation
They are marine but they migrate to freshwater for spawning
They die there and larvae come back to the ocean after metamorphosis
Examples are Petromyzon and myxine
4. Describe features of Aves.
Birds come under Aves. Here are some features of Aves:
They have feathers.
Feathers help them in flying.
The forelimbs are modified into wings.
The Hindlimbs are modified for walking.
They can also swim and clasp.
They have dry skin with oil glands at the base of their tail.
They have Pneumatic Bones.
They have lungs as respiratory organs.
They have a four-chambered heart.
They are warm-blooded ( Homeotherms ).
They are also oviparous.
Sexes are separate in Aves.
They have internal fertilisation.
Examples are Crow, Pigeon, etc.
5. How can we identify a Mammalia?
We can identify a Mammalia by seeing the following features:
Mammals are terrestrial.
Few of them can also live in water and can also fly
They have two pairs of limbs
The skin Mammals have hair
They have mammary glands from which they feed their young ones
Lungs are their respiratory organ
They have a four-chambered heart
They are warm-blooded like Aves
They are viviparous but Platypus is Oviparous
They have different sexes
Internal fertilization takes place in Mammals
Examples are lions, dolphins, etc