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ICO Olympiad Syllabus 2024-25


Olympiad: ICO 2024-25 Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme and Preparation Tips

The International Commerce Olympiad (ICO) is organised for enhancing knowledge in the Commerce stream among students. At Vedantu you can find more details on ICO syllabus, subject-wise list and marking scheme. This is the foremost step required for your preparation. You must know the ICO syllabus and exam structure inside out to create a strategic study plan.


Students are encouraged to prepare all the listed topics and leave no topic left behind to avoid any surprising questions on the day of the exam. ICO syllabus and exam pattern are provided for you to begin a full-packed preparation. If you have already begun the preparation then you can cross check the given list to know whether you have covered the entire ICO syllabus.

Read the preparation tips provided below for improving your study plan. 

ICO Exam Pattern 2024-25

The ICO exam pattern for Class 11 and 12 are provided below. Students are encouraged to prepare all the topics that are listed for best results. Know the section division of their syllabus for easier preparation.

ICO Question Paper Format

  • The exam contains only multiple choice questions.

  • The maximum duration of time is 1 hour for students to complete the exam.

  • English will be the medium of instruction and questions.

ICO Exam Structure (Subject-wise)






Business Studies




Achievers Section

The exam will take place during school hours only, no additional test hours are scheduled before or after school’s regular operating hours.

ICO Syllabus 2024-25

ICO is held for the students of class 11 and 12, ICO syllabus for both the classes are provided separately. You can go through the syllabus of your own class. The students of class 11 are encouraged to prepare the topics which are prescribed to 12th grade as well for achieving higher scores.

ICO Syllabus for Class 11 :


Syllabus of Section


  • Introduction to Microeconomics

  • Statistics of Economics

Business Studies

  • Nature and purpose of business

  • Forms of Business Organisation

  • Public, Private and Global Enterprises

  • Business Services

  • Emerging Modes of Business

  • Social Responsibility of Business

  • Source of Business Finance

  • Internal Trade

  • International Business


  • Introduction to Accounting

  • Theory base of Accounting

  • Recording of business transactions

  • Preparation of bank reconciliation statement, ledger and trial balance

  • Rectification of errors 

  • Depercation, provision,and reserves

  • Accounting for bill of exchange

  • Financial statements of sole proprietorship

  • Nature and significance of management

  • Principles of management

  • Business environment

  • Planning

  • Organising

  • Staffing

  • Directing

  • controlling

Achievers Section

High-order thinking skills questions based on Economics, Business Studies and Accountancy 

ICO Syllabus for Class 12:


Section Syllabus


  • Introductory Macroeconomics

  • Indian Economic Development

Business Studies 

  • Nature and significance of Management

  • Principles of Management

  • Business Environment

  • Planning

  • Organising

  • Staffing

  • Directing

  • Controlling

  • Financial management 

  • Financial markets

  • Marketing management

  • Consumer protection


  • Financial statements of nonprofit organisations

  • Accounting for partnership firms

  • Accounting for companies

  • Analysis of financial statements

  • Cash flow statement

  • Computerised accounting

Achievers Section

High-order thinking skills question based on Business Studies, Economics and Accountancy

ICO Marking Scheme


Number of Questions

Marks per question




Business Studies






Achievers Section






Benefits of ICO 

  • After the ICO results are released, the students are provided with a student performance report (SPR). The SPR helps analyse the student’s strong and weak areas and gives a detailed performance comparison between other students at zonal, city, school and international levels. Students participating in the SOF ICO are awarded according to their international, zonal, state and school level. The prizes are announced annually. The prizes include cash awards, medals, gifts, certificates, etc.

  • The international topper is given a grand prize at the prize distribution ceremony, which is held in New Delhi and is attended by dignitaries. The prizes for zonal and state winners are sent to their respective schools.

ICO Examination Preparation

  • Setting your goals and targets is the first step to a successful examination. So, when you are determined to appear in the ICO exam, getting a high score should be your target. 

  • Never forget your target throughout the preparation. Also, understand the importance of appearing for the ICO examination and how it will help you in your regular studies. 

  • After setting the target, the next step would be a thorough understanding of the syllabus. The updated International Commerce Olympiad Syllabus will come in handy during this period. Go through it to have proper knowledge of the syllabus.

  • The ICO Olympiad Syllabus will help you start your studies. Once you are familiar with the syllabus, now you can plan your studies accordingly. It is easy to plan your studies when you know the syllabus and weight of each chapter.

  •  How much time you need to allocate to the different chapters is really important, as some chapters require more time and preparation than the others. 

  • At the end of the day, check whether you met your daily targets or not. Always try to exceed your target and not the other way round.



ICO  2024-25 is provided at Vedantu. The syllabus list is categorised subject-wise along with the mention of important topics. Students are advised to go through the ICO syllabus list thoroughly to avoid leaving any topic behind. At Vedantu, you can learn about the ICO exam pattern and marking scheme. ICO is a great choice for students to increase their academic potential. Vedantu is a leading platform that offers a fully updated International Commerce Olympiad Syllabus. The all-inclusive ICO Syllabus is a great help to the students wanting to compete and score high in the Olympiad. Take advantage of this preparation tool provided by Vedantu to excel in the coming exams. Leave no regrets behind by not knowing the things to be prepared for.

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FAQs on ICO Olympiad Syllabus 2024-25

1. What is the syllabus of SOF ICO?

Ans: The ICO exam takes place on a single level. The duration of the examination is 1 hour, and the total number of questions is 50. Each question carries 1 mark, while 3 questions from the achiever’s section carry 3 marks. There are four sections in the examination - Economics, Accountancy, Achievers Section and Business Studies. The complete details of the syllabus are available online. The official website of SOF ICO has a detailed syllabus, the same can also be found on the Vedantu website.

2. Where can we get additional information about SOF ICO?

Ans: All the necessary and relevant information regarding the SFO ICO is sent to registered schools across the country. The prospectus, registration forms, posters, and required details are sent to the school. The students can find this information online as well on the official website of Science Olympiad Foundation ICO. Students can also get the complete details on the website of Vedantu. Vedantu provides free sample question papers along with their solution as well on their website. 

3. What are the benefits of participating in the ICO Olympiad?

Ans: The students of Class 11th and 12th are at a crucial junction of their academic path, and the choices they make will lay the foundation for their future. The ICO olympiad is going to help these students understand their true potential and aptitude. The participants are ranked based on marks obtained. So based on the results, the students can judge their standing in these subjects and will help them prepare better for their future. The competition takes place in different levels - city, zonal, state and national.

4. What is the eligibility for the ICO exam?

Ans: The students in grades 11 and 12 can participate in these exams. All the details for registration are available online on the official website of ICO SOF. Only 20 entries are allowed per school, of which ten should be from Class 11, and 10 should be from Class 12 or 20 students from any single class. There are no other eligibility criteria for the examination. Minimum marks are not a part of the eligibility process of the ICO exam. The ICO eligibility states that students from any stream can participate in this exam. 

5. Does the ICO syllabus include Mathematics?

Ans: ICO (International Commerce Olympiad) expertise in the mainstream subjects of Commerce- Accountancy, Business Studies and Economics. The mathematics subject and syllabus prescribed to Class 11 and 12 will not come in ICO. The ICO will consist of basic mathematical reasoning questions, that too based on the subjects mentioned above. ICO syllabus is provided on Vedantu, students can check and create a preparation plan.