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International General Knowledge Olympiad 2024-25


IGKO Exam: Registration, Exam Date, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Result, and Other Details

SOF stands for the Science Olympiad Foundation, the organiser for the International General Knowledge Olympiad. SOF along with IGKO 2024-25 which promotes the participation of students and enhances their general knowledge skills also organises other exams that promote English, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Science skills. The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) organises IGKO to foster an interest in General Knowledge and current affairs. With the goal of a student's overall growth in academics as well as on a personal level. It allows us to broaden our knowledge beyond the confines of textbooks and course curriculum.

The SOF IGKO is available to participants in classes 1 through 10. Participants are rated based on their performance in the test. Students can judge themselves at four different levels; the school, at the city level, at the state level, and at the international level. 

Overview of IGKO 2024-25 Exam Paper

Name of the Examination


IGKO Full Form

International General Knowledge Olympiad

Conducting Body

SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation)


Offline (Pen-and-Paper based)

Time Limit

1 Hour

Total Questions

Class 1 to 5 - 35 (40 Marks)

Class 5 to 10 - 50 (55 Marks)

IGKO 2024-25 Important Dates

Important Events


Last date for application

15 days before the exam

Exam date for 1st session

19th September 2024

Exam date for 2nd session

4th October 2024

Exam date for 3rd session

15th October 2024

Date of Result


IGKO 2024-25 Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for the International General Knowledge Olympiad 2024-25 examination is set by the Science Olympiad Foundation. The criterion sets the allowance of attendance for the school students from grade 1 to grade 10th. The IGKO eligibility criteria 2024-25 also extend to students from grade 1 to 10, from all backgrounds whether they are studying the State Boards syllabus, Central Board Of Secondary Education (CBSE) or Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE).

IGKO 2024-25 Registration Process

  • The registration centres for the International General Knowledge Olympiad examination are the schools across the country. The Science Olympiad Foundation or the SOF sends the prospectus for registration of students to all the schools that are already registered with SOF. 

  • Other schools can also associate with SOF through registration. The unregistered schools can get themselves registered free of charge by sending an email at or by calling 0124-4951200. 

  • The SOF must receive all the filled IGKO registration 2024-25 forms by the schools before the due date.

  •  SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation) generates roll numbers for all students that are willing to attend the exam via the  School Registration Form (SRF) and Students' Registration Sheet (SRS) that should be filled by the school's coordinating teacher as per the guidelines and submitted before the due date. 

  • If a student is interested to write the exam and his/her school is unregistered, then they can individually register with a 125 rupee fee per student. The fee is the same for other students in India and can attend the exam in any registered school as their examination centre.  

  • Fee payment is exempted from the students’ whose parents were martyred during any defence operations and also from the students who suffer from a physical disability.

IGKO 2024-25 Admit Card

  • Visit the official website of the organisation when the admit card release date is due.

  • Click on the admit card button that appears on the right side.

  • Then select the "IGKO Level 1 Admit Card" option that appears.

  • Enter the details asked, enter the respective roll number, class code, and school code that you will be informed beforehand by your teachers at school after registering for the International General Knowledge Olympiad exam.

  • After you enter the details and submit it, the admit card will appear, you can download and take a print out of the admit card that you need to bring to your exam centre on the exam day. 

  • If the candidate finds any information on their hall ticket to be incorrect, he/she must immediately contact the school coordinator.

IGKO 2024-25 Syllabus

The International General Knowledge Olympiad exam is divided into four sections and the syllabus for the exam revolves around these section topics for the grade 1st to 10th. 




General Awareness


Current Affairs 


Life Skills


Achievers Section

A wide variety of questions of varying difficulty levels has been given to ensure proper practice for students and the topics within the same category are also different from students in class 1-4 and 5-10. 


Topics for Class 1 to 4

Topics for Class 5 to 10

General Awareness

  • Me and My Surroundings, 

  • Our Body and Health 

  • Plants and Animals, 

  • India and the World, 

  • Environment and Its Conservation,

  • Science and Technology, 

  • Language and Literature, 

  • Transport and Communication

  • Entertainment, Sports, 

  • Maths Fun 

  • Plants and Animals

  • India and the world

  • Science and Technology

  • Earth and its environment school

  • Universe

  • Language and Literature

  • Media and Entertainment

  • Social studies

  • Sports

  • Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning

Current Affairs 

  • News

  • Research and Development

  • Updates of New Happenings From Around The world

  • News

  • Research and Development

  • Updates of New Happenings From Around The world

(Difficulty level is higher as than those in classes 1-4)

Life Skills

  • Kindness, Soft skills

  • Social Skills

  • Do’s and Don'ts

  • Moral Values

  • Teamwork

  • Communication

  • Flexibility

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Decision Making

  • Leadership

  • Time Management

  • Empathy

  • Effective Communication

  • Critical Thinking

  • Creative Thinking

  • Coping With Stress

  • Decision Making

  • Problem Solving

  • Interpersonal Skills

  • Managing Emotions

  • Self Awareness

Achievers Section

From the above syllabus high order thinking questions.

From the above syllabus high order thinking questions. 

IGKO Class-wise Syllabus (Classes 1-10)



Achievers Section


Me and My Surroundings, Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Language and Literature, Earth and Its Environment, Sports, Maths Fun, Life Skills, Current Affairs.

HOTS from Syllabus


Me and My Surroundings, Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Language and Literature, Earth and Its Environment, Transport and Communication, Sports, Maths Fun, Life Skills, Current Affairs.

HOTS from Syllabus


Me and My Surroundings, Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Language and Literature, Earth and Its Environment, Transport and Communication, Sports, Maths Fun, Life Skills (Moral Values, Team Work, Environmental Sensitivity, Communication, Leadership, Time Management), Current Affairs.

HOTS from Syllabus


Our Body and Health, Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Environment and its Conservation, Language and Literature, Entertainment, Sports, Maths Fun, Life Skills (Moral Values, Flexibility, Emotional Intelligence, Decision Making, Team Work, Leadership, Time Management), Current Affairs .

HOTS from Syllabus


Our Body and Health, Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Environment and its Conservation, Language and Literature, Entertainment, Sports, Maths Fun, Life Skills (Moral Values, Flexibility, Emotional Intelligence, Decision Making, Team Work, Leadership, Time Management), Current Affairs .

HOTS from Syllabus


Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Earth and Its Environment, Universe, Language and Literature, Entertainment, Social Studies, Sports, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning, Current Affairs, Life Skills (Empathy, Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Coping with Stress, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Interpersonal Skills, Managing Emotions, Self-awareness).

HOTS from Syllabus


Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Earth and its Environment, Universe, Language and Literature, Entertainment, Social Studies, Sports, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning, Current Affairs, Life Skills (Empathy, Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Coping with Stress, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Interpersonal Skills, Managing Emotions, Self-awareness).

HOTS from Syllabus


Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Earth and its Environment, Universe, Language and Literature, Entertainment, Social Studies, Sports, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning, Current Affairs, Life Skills (Empathy, Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Coping with Stress, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Interpersonal Skills, Managing Emotions, Self-awareness).

HOTS from Syllabus


Plants and Animals, Our Environment, Science and Technology, India and the World, Social Studies, Language, Literature and Media, Sports, Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning, Current Affairs, Life Skills (Empathy, Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Coping with Stress, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Interpersonal Skills, Managing Emotions, Self-awareness).

HOTS from Syllabus


Plants and Animals, Our Environment, Science and Technology, India and the World, Social Studies, Language, Literature and Media, Sports, Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning, Current Affairs, Life Skills (Empathy, Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Coping with Stress, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Interpersonal Skills, Managing Emotions, Self-awareness).

HOTS from Syllabus

IGKO Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme 2024-25




No Of Questions


Total Marks

1st to 4th

General Awareness




Current Affairs




Life Skills




Achievers Section




Grand Total



5th to 10th

General Awareness




Current Affairs




Life Skills




Achievers Section




Grand Total



IGKO Reference Books

The reference books that are helpful for students who intend to write the International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) are provided by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF). The books are designed respectively for students in specific grades for 1-10. The books include:

  • Workbook and reasoning book combo for International General Knowledge Olympiad

  • International General Knowledge Olympiad daily online practice sets class 1-10

  • International General Knowledge Olympiad 2 years e-book download

  • Learning and knowing Class 1-10

  • International General Knowledge Olympiad Workbook- Class 1-10

IGKO Results

The results for the exams are announced by the parent organisation SOF on their official website and any third party is not trusted with this information and responsibility. Go to the official website link where the student just needs to enter the roll number and the results will be displayed on the screen.

The details of the IGKO results 2024-25 that are displayed on the Science Olympiad Foundation website is very detailed and specific, it includes, the candidate’s name, the candidates’ parents name, the registration number of the student, total marks obtained by the candidate, their International rank, state rank, and zone rank and the school rank is also mentioned in it. The qualifying status for the further round or level 2 of the examination that only the students from classes 3-10 are eligible for is also mentioned clearly in the result sheet. 

Along with all the aforementioned details, the school name and the school address are mentioned which makes it very easy to spot the schools of which students have performed exceedingly well so that the principal and the teachers of such schools can be presented with an award they are deserving of. 

IGKO Awards

There are many awards and scholarship merits and medals to many students and schools around the world at diverse levels such as the international level, zonal level and the school level. 

Awards for Students



Number of Awards Given

Awards, Medals and Scholarships

At International Level

1st position

10 awards in total

Rs.50,000/- Each, International Gold Medal and a Certificate of Outstanding Performance

2nd Position

10 awards in total

Rs.25,000/- Each, International Silver Medal and a Certificate of Outstanding Performance

3rd Position

10 awards in total

Rs.10,000/- Each, International Bronze Medal and a Certificate of Outstanding Performance

At Zonal Level 

1st Rank


Gifts worth 1000/- each, Zonal Gold medal and a certificate of Zonal Excellence

2nd Rank


Gifts worth 1000/- each, Zonal Silver medal and a certificate of Zonal Excellence

3rd Rank


Gifts worth 1000/- each, Zonal Bronze medal and a certificate of Zonal Excellence

4th - 11th rank


Gifts worth 500/- each, a Medal of Distinction and a certificate of distinction

12th-25th rank


A Medal of Distinction and a certificate of distinction 

Rank above 26

For all attending

Participation Certificate

At School Level 

For the first 5 to 9 students writing the exam per class ranging from grades 1-10.

Depends on the number of students participating in schools around the world

Gold Medal of Excellence is awarded to the top rank holder in class. 

For the next 10 to 25 students writing the exam per class ranging from grades 1-10. 

Gold Medal of Excellence is awarded to the top 3 rank holders. 

For more than 25 students writing the exam per class ranging from grades 1-10. 

The Gold Medal of Excellence is awarded to the top 10% rank holders in class. 

Awards for Schools

The authorities who work behind the scenes and encourage the students’ participation in the exam who are the principal of the school and the teachers are also recognised and awarded for their tireless efforts. 



Number of Awards Presented


At International Level

Best Principal

Citation and Trophy


Best Teacher


At Zonal Level

Best Zonal Principal


Best Zonal Teacher


At District Level

Best District Principal

Rs.2,500/- to each principal, a  Citation and a Trophy


Best District Teacher

Rs.1000/-  to each teacher, a  Citation and a Trophy



The IGKO is a single-level exam for students that helps to develop general knowledge as well as their knowledge of current affairs. Students enjoy taking the IGKO exam by SOF because it is different from their regular studies, and some students consider it an opportunity to expand their knowledge. In this article, we have briefly discussed the Important dates, overview, syllabus and exam pattern of the IGKO exam. We wish you all the best for SOF - IGKO!

Other Important Related Links for IGKO Exam 2024-25

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FAQs on International General Knowledge Olympiad 2024-25

1. When will International General Knowledge Olympiad results be declared?

For the International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) exam, the latest update about the result declaration by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) is in the month of December 2024 (tentatively). The exact date of the result announcement is yet to be announced by the SOF. And you will be notified here on Vedantu when there is an official declaration as there will be a mention of it on the results website of the Science Olympiad Foundation. 

2. How can I prepare for the International General Knowledge Olympiad?

The exam of the International General Knowledge Olympiad is about the general knowledge about the incidents and is ubiquitous in nature and for preparation, you can read newspapers, monthly economic and current affairs magazines. You can start your preparation also by making yourself aware of the syllabus and familiarising yourself with the structure of the exam paper. The best way of preparation is also via the reference and study material provided by the SOF that is targeted specifically for each class of students in all of the school grades from 1st to 10th. 

3. What is SOF IGKO?

The SOF that stands for Science Olympiad Foundation is the parent non-profit organisation that since 1996 has been pioneering the academic competition among school children and recognising their talent in various fields like Science, Mathematics, Computer Education, English, Social Studies, General Knowledge. The SOF IGKO, International General Knowledge Olympiad examination, is organised to encourage students' participation in national, international competitions, programs, events and it is also a very effective way to instil a feeling of belonging in the young minds to national and global students fraternity. 

The other exams conducted by the same parent organisation are the SOF NCO (National Cyber Olympiad), SOF NSO (National Science Olympiad) SOF IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad), SOF IEO (International English Olympiad), SOF ICO (International Commerce Olympiad), and SOF International Social Studies Olympiad. 

4. How do you check the International General Knowledge Olympiad Results for 2024-25?

The results of the International General Knowledge Olympiad exam will be uploaded on the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) website on the scheduled date for the results announcement. The first step is the student needs to visit the official website of the SOF IGKO, which is Or directly visit page. Select the Olympiad that you have appeared for under the SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation) umbrella in this case IGKO and then enter your assigned roll number for the exam which is also present in your hall ticket or admit card in the provided space. Thereafter enter the captcha code viewed on the computer screen that is usually asked for verification purposes. After which you can click on 'View Result' to check the SOF IGKO Result 2024-25. 

5. How is the IGKO Exam beneficial for students?

The IGKO (International General Knowledge Olympiad) is conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation for students from Classes 1-10. Appearing in these exams is extremely beneficial for a student as this improves the general awareness of the student, as well as allows them to improve on academic levels. General knowledge accounts for an all-encompassing growth in a student’s mind. Students qualifying in these exams also have the opportunity to achieve awards in the international, zonal, and school levels.

6. What is the last date of the IGKO 2024-25 Exam?

The last date of application for IGKO exam will be 15 days before the date of 1st session of the examination.

7. What types of questions can be asked in IGKO 2024-25?

The SOF IGKO 2024-25 question paper will be divided into 4 sections with objective-type questions in it for all the candidates. 

8. How can I participate in the IGKO Exam?

Depending on the location of your school, you can apply online or offline. For offline registration, complete the application form and submit it along with the required documentation. Once the exam dates are announced, you can attempt the examination.