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IGKO 2024-25 Result Level 2


IGKO Olympiad Level 2 Results 2024-25

Olympiads are competitive examinations held at the school level. They are the most effective means of evaluating one's comprehension of topics. They provide students with real world experience in a competitive environment. To excel in Olympiads, you must be extremely concentrated. 

The International Olympiad is a competition that allows school aged kids to demonstrate their abilities and talents in their chosen field. It aids kids in gaining a thorough understanding of subjects and sharpens their minds in preparation for aptitude and competitive tests. International Olympiads assist pupils in quickly solving complicated issues. One may improve the basics of courses such as Maths, English and Science, which will aid them not only in Olympiads but also in school-based tests. Participating in Olympiads boosts students' self-esteem and motivates them to work hard to attain their objectives.

The General Knowledge Olympiad challenges students to know fundamental facts about key topics and current events throughout the world. Vedantu assists IGKO participants in obtaining study resources such as the syllabus, sample papers, and crucial question papers, among other things, so that they do not miss any vital information. All of these study resources may be downloaded for free in high-quality PDF format. Learn how to prepare for the International level Olympiad test with the help of professionals.

IGKO 2024-25 Result Level 2

SOF IGKO Olympiad

The International General Knowledge Olympiad is organized by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF). SOF, in collaboration with IGKO, which encourages students to participate and improves their general knowledge abilities, holds various tests to develop English, Computer Science, Mathematics and Scientific skills. 

SOF is a non-profit organisation founded by leading academicians, scientists, and media figures to promote young geniuses by providing them with a competitive platform and a pool of talented future scientists, technologists, IT and other professional talents that can be identified at the school level and nurtured as they progress in that direction. 

The SOF also attempts to disseminate knowledge, relevant data, and up-to-date information on the most recent advancements in science and technology, as well as other areas that influence students' lives. They are revolutionising the traditional classroom method and making learning inventive, practical, and participatory as a result of this. The tests instill a healthy competitive spirit in the students; the SOF's (Science Olympiad Foundation) reward-based strategy is a fantastic method to push students, instructors, and schools to encourage interest and participation and to make use of this platform.

Exam Criteria for IGKO Olympiad

In the case of IGKO exams, the following factors will be used to assign ranks:

  • The total number of points earned in the test.

  • If two or more students receive the same amount of marks, the following criteria will be used to establish their ranks:

  1. The total number of points earned in the test.

  2. Section scores in the test were given more priority.

  3. If two or more students receive the same score in all of the above areas, they will be assigned the same rank.

IGKO Results

The IGKO test results are announced on the official website of SOF and no third parties are involved with this data or duty. The results will be displayed on the screen after entering the student's roll number on the official website. As a result, students who took the exam may access their SOF IGKO results 2024-25 on the SOF official website. The details of the results displayed on the Science Olympiad Foundation website are very detailed and specific and include the candidate's name, the candidate's parents' names, the student's registration number, total marks obtained by the candidate, their International rank, state rank, and zone rank, as well as the school rank. 

The qualifying status for the second round or level 2 of the test, for which only students  in grades 3 through 10 are eligible, is also clearly stated on the result sheet. Moreover, the school name and address are also listed, making it extremely easy to identify schools where students have excelled, and therefore the principal and teachers of such schools may be recognized with an award. Last year, on November 1, 2023, the SOF IGKO results were released for the tests taken between September 6 and September 26, 2023. The outcome of the International General Knowledge Olympiad 2024-25 will be announced on February 2nd, 2025.

How to Check the Result for IGKO Olympiad?

Candidates can obtain their SOF IGKO results either online or via their particular school coordinators or teachers in charge. Here are the steps students can take to check their results. 

  1. At the very first step to see the results of the SOF International General Knowledge Olympiad, go to the official website.

  2. Students can see several boards for results, rewards, test dates, participants, and other pertinent information on the main page.

  3. In the third step, you have to click on the result and then it will redirect you to the result page. 

  4. In the fourth step, you must have their roll number on hand to view the SOF IGKO exam results.

  5. After entering your roll number, the result will be shown on the screen.

  6. You can save or print your result for future reference by students.

  7. The results will not be mailed to the students.

IGKO Result Details

Students can view their IGKO Olympiad results for the year 2024-25 by simply entering their roll number in the areas provided. The following is the expected format for IGKO 2024-25 roll numbers:

Please provide the details indicated on the SOF IGKO results to see your result:

  • Candidates name

  • Candidates parents name

  • Registration number

  • Total marks obtained by the candidate

  • International rank

  • State rank and zone rank

  • School rank

  • Qualifying status for the further round

  • School name

  • School address

IGKO Olympiad Results 2024-25

International General Knowledge Olympiad or IGKO is the most sought after olympiad exam in the country. Get all the details regarding the IGKO results on Vedantu, India’s most trusted e-learning website. Vedantu’s team will keep you posted about when the IGKO Results will be announced and the stepwise process to get the results. Visit Vedantu for all the updates regarding the exam. We are here to help you excel in the most prestigious academic contests.

Other Important Related Links for IGKO Exam 2024-25

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FAQs on IGKO 2024-25 Result Level 2

1. How many sections does the IGKO Olympiad consist of?

There are four components to the IGKO test. General Awareness - This component is the most important, and it receives a 50-55 percent weighting. It is the component with the highest score, and it includes broad themes from your school's curriculum. Current Affairs is the other major section of the IGKO. This one has a weightage of about 15%. This includes questions about entertainment, sports, and current events. Character development requires the development of life skills. This component, which has a weighting of 10-15%, is highly important since it is fully dependent on life skills such as effective communication, empathy, numerical aptitude, reasoning, decision-making, and personal and interpersonal abilities. Next is the Achievers section. This section, while having only five questions, is extremely important for the IGKO score. High order thinking skills questions, which are questions from the above syllabus but with a higher difficulty level, make up this portion.

2. What are the key strategies with respect to cracking the IGKO exam?

Prepare your study materials ahead of time. All of the resources are available on Vedantu. Don't waste time looking for study resources at the last minute. Olympiad Success provides comprehensive and well-targeted study materials for IGKO level 1 Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and additional G.K. Olympiads. Vedantu specialists develop the finest contents for you that meet the level of IGKO previous year papers for Class 1 to Class 10 while keeping the quality of the content in mind. Vedantu updates its content regularly, following the pattern of the IGKO paper from the previous year. Olympiad Success provides pattern-based example papers for Classes 1 through 10 to assist you in your preparations.

You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store. 

3. What is the exam pattern of the IGKO Olympiad?

The IGKO level questions are based on both your general awareness and your topic expertise. You must grasp the concept and the pattern, and you must practise example questions based on the precise pattern of the level of IGKO question papers from the previous year. Comprehending Olympiad success, understanding ideas, reinforcing concepts in your head, and understanding higher-level concepts in application to increase your abilities and quality-based application-based problems and extensive explanations are some of the key pointers related to the IGKO exam. Remember that the questions will come from your curriculum but they will be very challenging. The questions will not be focused on straight concepts but rather on sophisticated applications of concepts. All you have to do now is focus on gaining a full comprehension of your principles as well as their advanced application. 

4. What are the fees for the IGKO Olympiad?

A registration fee of Rs 125 (including GST) per student International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) is paid to SOF by schools in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal to cover the cost of the test. Schools may charge an extra Rs 25 per student to cover the honorarium of the in-charge, instructor salary, and other expenditures. Students with a serious physical impairment or an Indian student whose parent was killed in a defence action do not have to pay a fee.

5. What are the benefits of taking part in the IGKO exam?

Olympiad competitors are ranked based on their performance. As a result, students may evaluate themselves academically at four separate levels after taking the test: inside the school, at the city level, at the zonal level, and, most importantly, at the international level. A Student Performance Report is sent to each student (SPR). The SPR examines the student's strong and weak areas, as well as provides a thorough performance comparison. Based on their international, zonal, and school rankings, students are appropriately rewarded. Cash awards, medals, presents, diplomas, and other prizes are announced annually.