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SOF IGKO 2024-25 Exam Dates - Science Olympiad Foundation


SOF IGKO 2024-25 Highlights, Important Dates, Eligibility Criteria, Application Process, Application Fee, and More

IGKO is the International General Knowledge Olympiad 2024-25 conducted by SOF. It is an online exam taken by students worldwide to prove their knowledge in General Awareness, Maths, English, and Current Affairs. This year SOF has announced to conduct IGKO on two dates i.e. September 19, 2024, October 4 and October 15, 2024.

Students can give this exam from any place in the world. Proper training material is essential for this exam. Vedantu is one of India's best online training institutes for this exam. Persons preparing for general knowledge, IQ tests, personality development, and general awareness online tests/quizzes can apply for this. We have specially designed courses to prepare students for the exams mentioned above.

SOF IGKO 2024-25 Highlights

Following are the important highlights of SOF IGKO 2024-25:

Full form of the exam

International General Knowledge Olympiad

Abbreviated name


Conducting body

Science Olympiad Foundation

Exam frequency

Once every year

Exam Level


Application mode


Application Fee (for General category)

Rs. 125 (via Online mode)

Duration of the exam

1 Hour


SOF IGKO 2024-25 Important Dates

SOF IGKO will be conducted on two dates. A school may select one date to conduct the SOF IGKO at its convenience. The SOF IGKO exam date is tabulated below.




September 21, 2024

Exam- Level 1


October 4 & 15, 2024

Exam - Level 1


SOF IGKO 2024-25 Eligibility Criteria

Students of Classes 1 to 10th are eligible to appear for the SOF IGKO 2024-25 exam. There is no other eligibility criterion like minimum marks. 

SOF IGKO 2024-25 Application Process

The information relevant to the SOF IGKO 2024-25 application process is discussed below.

  • The applicants will be able to apply for the SOF IGKO 2024-25 exam through their schools. 

  • The schools must register themself for the SOF IGKO 2024-25 exam by emailing the SOF office.

  • The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) department will send all application forms and brochures to the enrolled schools.

  • Applicants who wish to participate in the exam must submit an application fee.

  • Each student has to pay a registration fee of Rs. 125, and schools may charge an additional Rs. 25 for an honorarium of charge, remuneration to teachers to teach and guide, and other expenses.

  • After collecting all application forms from the applicants, the school must submit them to the SOF office before the deadline.

  • According to the SOF, applicants who are physically disabled or belong to soldiers’ families are not required to pay application fees.

SOF IGKO 2024-25 Application Fees






OBC, General, ST, SC



Female, Transgender, Male

₹ 125

How to Prepare for the IGKO Exam?

Vedantu is one of the best websites to prepare for this exam. Since we have specially designed courses, we provide study material and practice questions for this exam. We have dedicated and experienced trainers who will guide you throughout your preparation for this test. There are many ways to prepare for this exam. You can also find free study material on the internet. It is recommended that students appear in mock test series with Vedantu.

Vedantu provides a unique feature to practice with a virtual examiner. So students can get an idea about the exam's test pattern and marking scheme. Our unique feature, "Time Management," will help you manage your time effectively to complete the exam within the given time limit. You can also get an idea about the difficulty level of the question paper. We also provide you with the solution to every question asked in our online test series.

Vedantu has designed courses keeping in mind the demands of the exam. So it will be easy for you to get high marks in this exam. We have developed courses for age groups, knowledge levels, and persons preparing for specific exams like IQ tests, general awareness tests, and general knowledge tests.

IGKO Syllabus for Classes 1 to 10

The IGKO Syllabus 2024-25 for Classes 1 - 10 is divided into the following four main sections:

  • The 1st Section is on General Awareness - This section includes the topics that are based on important events around the world.

  • The 2nd section is on Current Affairs - This section will have questions about recent events.

  • The 3rd section is on Life Skills - It consists of topics that are based on one's ability to manage and live a better quality of life. 

  • The 4th section is the Achievers Section - This basically contains questions which are related to thinking skills of higher order.


Rules to be Followed at the Time of Examination 

  • Candidates can get the International General Knowledge Olympiad hall ticket 2024-25 from the school coordinator of their respective schools. The students must carry the admit card along with them.

  • In case a student loses their admit card, they can get a copy of it from the school coordinator before the exam date, and the invigilator of the exam will consider it.

  • Without the admit card or hall ticket, the student will not be allowed to enter the examination hall, and any reasons for justifying this behaviour will be disregarded.

  • Before the commencement of the exam, the students are requested to enter the examination hall 30 minutes before the set time.

  • 10-15 minutes after the beginning of the exam, no student will be allowed to enter the examination hall.

  • No extra time will be offered to any student to complete the exam; the paper must be submitted within the time allowed.

  • A student will be allowed to leave the examination hall only after completion of their exam.

IGKO 2024-25 Results

The IGKO 2024-25 results will be out 8 weeks after the exams.

How is Vedantu Helpful for IGKO Preparation? 

At Vedantu, we offer online test series after studying the pattern of different types of competitive exams. These tests help build your concepts, speed, and accuracy. Vedantu has a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals in the field of education. They all work with full dedication to provide the best Vedantu training institute for the IGKO exam in India.

Vedantu has specially designed courses for all types of students. It has coached school students, college students, job seekers, and even working professionals. Vedantu provides study material for almost all competitive exams and subject-wise tests. It also provides crash courses, regular courses, weekend preparation courses, and fast track courses.

IGKO 2024-25 Reference Books

  • IGKO 2 years e-book download.

  • Workbook and reasoning book combo for NSO-IGKO-IEO-NCO-IGKO.

  • IGKO daily online practice sets.

  • Learning and knowing classes 1-10.

  • International General Knowledge Olympiad Workbook - Classes 1-10.


We hope students have found this article on “SOF IGKO 2024-25 Exam Dates- Science Olympiad 2024-25 Foundation” useful. Stay tuned with Vedantu to get other latest updates on the IGKO 2024-25 exam. We wish you all the best for your exam!

Other Important Related Links for IGKO Exam 2024-25

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FAQs on SOF IGKO 2024-25 Exam Dates - Science Olympiad Foundation

1. When will the venue of my exam centre for the International General Knowledge Olympiad be notified?

If you have applied from your school which is registered with the Science Olympiad Foundation then the exam venue will be your school. The exam is conducted during school hours as per the due date of the exam. If your school is unregistered, you have to surf the official site for all the important information, which also includes the venue of the exam. 

2. What is the due date for the next stage of the International General Knowledge Olympiad exam?

The International General Knowledge Olympiad is a single-level exam, the dates are for the same exam, and students can sit on either of the two days and attend the exam according to their choice. There is no next stage after this exam, directly the results are announced and district level, zonal level, school level, and international level top performers are awarded. However, if you are in classes 1-9 then you are eligible to appear for the  International General Knowledge Olympiad exam the following year and it will give you a chance to enhance your rankings from the previous years. And the students in Class 10 will not have this option to avail themselves since they will be an alumnus of the school they have passed out from.

3. Can I collect my awards and medals after I have passed out from my school?

All the awards announcement dates and venues of the presentation ceremony will be announced and notified to the schools concerned. To attain this information you have to check the official website and even stay in touch with your school so you can come to collect your award. There is no such restriction to the students who are school pass-outs as to not attend the ceremony for prize collection. 

4. What is the cost of the IGKO online exam?

The test fee for IGKO 2024-25 is Rs. 125, which is to be paid before taking the exam. This fee is to be paid in the form of DD or online transfer. You can take the test only once the payment is completed. The above-mentioned price is valid for all aspirants residing in India. If you are an external candidate, the fee may vary. Aspirants residing in Nepal and Bhutan can apply for IGKO 2024-25 Exam Date through online mode only.

5. Where can I get the International General Knowledge Olympiad admit card?

Students can get their admit cards for IGKO from the school coordinator of their respective schools. Candidates can also visit the official website for the International General Knowledge Olympiad admit card before the exam date. Schools also provide a copy of the hall ticket to students in case they lose or forget their original admit cards. The admit card is mandatory for each student to enter the examination hall and without them, they will not be allowed for the exam. So, students can easily get their IGKO admit card from the official site of the SOF.

6. What will be the duration of the IGKO exam?

The duration of the IGKO exam will be 60 minutes. Students have to attempt all the questions and answer them within 60 minutes. They should be very fast in answering these questions. Vedantu promises that students will get just 10 minutes time to answer questions and this is not at all difficult. With good practice, anyone can manage to complete their exam within a time period. Time management is important in this exam. Students can also focus on the time duration of each question by studying the sample questions carefully.

7. What is the syllabus for the IGKO exam?

The paper will be in English medium, and it will be objective type. It consists of 35 questions for Class 1st to 4th and 50 questions for class 5th to 10th which are made according to the latest pattern followed by various exams. This exam consists of questions from current affairs, sports, science and technology. Students should have to answer as many questions as possible because the final score of the exam is based on a total number of correct answers. In order to attempt all questions, students should have the right kind of knowledge.

8. What things should be carried while going for the IGKO exam?

Along with the admit card, candidates must carry their identity cards to the examination hall. It is necessary to carry a photo ID for the verification process. Students must not bring any other electronic devices along with them while going to the examination hall. Teachers and school authorities should tell students that they should not carry any kinds of electronic devices along with them. It may affect the quality of results and marks obtained during the examination, which is very important. Sometimes, students who take help from external sources like Bluetooth or earpieces get a bad result and do not qualify for the exam.