SOF IGKO Results
IGKO 2024-25 Exam Results
FAQs on SOF IGKO 2024-25 Results and Ranking Criteria
1. When will the International General Knowledge Olympiad Exam result of 2024-25 be declared?
The exam result for the International General Knowledge Olympiad was announced on Last week of Nov 2024. The results are also made available on the official website. The results are then sent to the schools concerned, along with a thorough Student Performance Report (SPR) and certificates of participation.
2. If I am dissatisfied with my result for the International General Knowledge Olympiad Exam can I apply for revaluation?
No, the students cannot apply for revaluation of their results in case they are not satisfied with their score. This is because the parent organisation of the International General Knowledge Olympiad i.e. SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation) does not provide any such provision to the candidate or the school to apply for revaluation for the IGKO (International General Knowledge Olympiad) exam result. Hence, students should give their best during preparation and examination as they will not get a second chance to get their results re-evaluated.
3. What is the ranking criteria for the International General Knowledge Olympiad?
Students scoring the highest marks in the exam are counted among the top rankers. The ranks are announced at school, zonal, and international levels. In case of a tie between students, the SOF compares the marks obtained in each section in the priority order of Achievers Section, General Awareness, Current Affairs and Life Skills. And the student scoring the highest total marks will be accorded a higher rank. Various awards are distributed among the rank holders at various levels. For more information o IGKO, visit Vedantu.
4. What is the importance of the Student Performance Report in IGKO?
A Student Performance Report is provided to each student containing a detailed analysis of the student’s performance. This report contains various important details including the marks obtained by the student at each level, score of each of the sections of the exam, students performance as compared to other students at Zonal and International level, Percentage analysis, and average marks analysis. Additionally, if the students have appeared for previous Olympiads, a detailed performance comparison is provided for the last 10 years’ performance.
5. Are there any particular reference books that students should refer to score a good ranking in SOF IGKO 2024-25 exam?
Generally, NCERT books/course books prescribed by the CBSE/ICSE/State Boards are referred to the students for preparation. Additionally, students can also refer to the following books to prepare for the Olympiad exam:
MTG Class wise Workbooks (For Class 1 to 10)
‘SOF Olympiad Trainer’ Mobile Apps
Olympiads’ Books of Reasoning (for preparation for the reasoning section of Olympiads)