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SOF IGKO 2024-25 Results and Ranking Criteria


SOF IGKO Results

Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) has recently announced the IGKO 2024-25 result on Last week November 2024. SOF conducts the International General Knowledge Olympiad 2024-25 exam and the results are not handed over to any third-party website for the announcement. The exam result is available for the students who have written the Olympiad 2024-25 exam. In this article, students will find all the details on SOF IGKO 2024-25 results and ranking criteria.

SOF IGKO 2024-25 Result Highlights

Exam name

International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) 2024-25

Conducting authority

Science Olympiad Foundation

Result name

IGKO Olympiad Result 2024-25

SOF Result Official website

Required credentials

School code, class, section, and roll number

Result status


SOF IGKO 2024-25 Result Date


Exam Date


September 19 and October 4, 2024,

SOF IGKO 2024-25 results date

Last week of Nov 2024

How to Check SOF IGKO 2024-25 Result?

Students preparing for the SOF IGKO 2024-25 exam can check their results on SOF IGKO's official website. SOF will also send the IGKO 2024-25 exam result to the concerned school of the student together with a thorough Student Performance Report (SPR) and certificates of participation. Hence, students can also get their results from their school authorities. Follow the step-by-step process to check the SOF IGKO Result 2024-25 on SOF IGKO official website:

  • Visit the SOF official website

  • On the homepage of the SOF official website, you will find the tab with the name “Results.”

  • Click on the tab “Results.”

  • As you click on the tab “Result”, a new SOF IGKO result window will appear on your screen.

  • Now, you will be asked to enter your roll number. Enter your roll number in the form of SchoolCode-Class-RollNo. For example, (AN0006-11-005).

  • Now, solve the captcha given and enter the Captcha result in the given space.

  • Click on the "View Result" button.

  • SOF IGKO Result 2024-25 will appear on the screen, including students' scores and personal details.

  • Save the SOF Olympiad IGKO results in 2024-25 and take a printout of it.

Details Mentioned in the SOF IGKO 2024-25 Result

Students will find the following details in their SOF IGKO 2024-25 results:

  • Olympiad name

  • Student name

  • Class

  • Roll number

  • Section

  • School name

  • Marks scored

  • International Rank

  • International award won

  • Zone rank

  • Zonal award won

  • School Rank

  • School Award Earned

SOF IGKO 2024-25 Ranking Criteria

Generally, students getting the highest total marks will receive the highest rank.

  • If two or more students score the same total marks, a higher rank will be awarded to students scoring higher marks in sections accorded higher priority. 

SOF IGKO section-wise priority to determine students' ranks or section-wise Tie Breaking Criteria is listed below in the tabulated form:



Achievers Section

General Awareness

Current Affairs

Life Skill

  • If two or more students score the same marks under the criteria mentioned above, they will be awarded the same rank.

  • If students still face any confusion, the decision of the Academic Council will be considered final and binding. A telephonic round of questions may be conducted at the sole discretion of SOF to determine ranks.

What Is SOF IGKO Student’s Performance Result?

  • Every student who attempts the SOF Olympiad is provided with a Student Performance Report (SPR). An SPR is a detailed analysis of how the student attempted the 1st level Olympiad exam. The SOF sends the SPR to students in digital form.

  • The objective of sending SPR is to share an analysis of the student's answers with the student and their parents. This helps students to understand her/strengths and areas that need more improvements in absolute terms and also on a competitive scale consisting of lacs of students of her/his class who appeared in the Olympiad exam.

Awards Based on the Results for the International General Knowledge Olympiad

Awards for Students

The students are awarded based on their ranking at the school level, zonal level, and international level. 



Number of Awards Given

Awards, Medals and Scholarships

At International Level

1st position

10 awards in total

Rs.50,000/- Each, International Gold Medal and a Certificate of Outstanding Performance

2nd Position

10 awards in total

Rs.25,000/- Each, International Silver Medal and a Certificate of Outstanding Performance

3rd Position

10 awards in total

Rs.10,000/- Each, International Bronze Medal and a Certificate of Outstanding Performance

At Zonal Level

1st Rank


Gifts worth 1000/- each, Zonal Gold medal and a certificate of Zonal Excellence

2nd Rank


Gifts worth 1000/- each, Zonal Silver medal and a certificate of Zonal Excellence

3rd Rank


Gifts worth 1000/- each, Zonal Bronze medal and a certificate of Zonal Excellence

4th - 11th rank


Gifts worth 500/- each, a Medal of Distinction and a certificate of distinction

12th-25th rank


A Medal of Distinction and a certificate of distinction 

Rank above 26

For all attending

Participation Certificate

At School Level 

For the first 5 to 9 students writing the exam per class ranging from grades 1-10.

Depends on the number of students participating in schools around the world

Gold Medal of Excellence is awarded to the top rank holder in class. 

For the next 10 to 25 students writing the exam per class ranging from grades 1-10. 

Gold Medal of Excellence is awarded to the top 3 rank holders. 

For more than 25 students writing the exam per class ranging from grades 1-10. 

The Gold Medal of Excellence is awarded to the top 10% rank holders in class. 

Awards for Schools



Number of Awards Presented


At International Level

Best Principal

Citation and Trophy


Best Teacher


At Zonal Level

Best Zonal Principal


Best Zonal Teacher


At District Level

Best District Principal

Rs.2,500/- to each principal, a  Citation and a Trophy


Best District Teacher

Rs.1000/- given to each teacher, a  Citation and also a Trophy


This was the complete discussion on SOF IGKO 2024-25 results and students ranking criteria.  Hope this article helps students to find their results and ranking for the upcoming IGKO exam easily.  Stay tuned with Vedantu to get further updates on SOF IGKO 2024-25 exams.

Other Important Related Links for IGKO Exam 2024-25

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FAQs on SOF IGKO 2024-25 Results and Ranking Criteria

1. When will the International General Knowledge Olympiad Exam result of 2024-25  be declared?

The exam result for the International General Knowledge Olympiad was announced on Last week of Nov 2024. The results are also made available on the official website. The results are then sent to the schools concerned, along with a thorough Student Performance Report (SPR) and certificates of participation. 

2. If I am dissatisfied with my result for the International General Knowledge Olympiad Exam can I apply for revaluation?

No, the students cannot apply for revaluation of their results in case they are not satisfied with their score. This is because the parent organisation of the International General Knowledge Olympiad i.e. SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation) does not provide any such provision to the candidate or the school to apply for revaluation for the IGKO (International General Knowledge Olympiad) exam result. Hence, students should give their best during preparation and examination as they will not get a second chance to get their results re-evaluated.

3. What is the ranking criteria for the International General Knowledge Olympiad?

Students scoring the highest marks in the exam are counted among the top rankers. The ranks are announced at school, zonal, and international levels. In case of a tie between students, the SOF compares the marks obtained in each section in the priority order of Achievers Section, General Awareness, Current Affairs and Life Skills. And the student scoring the highest total marks will be accorded a higher rank. Various awards are distributed among the rank holders at various levels. For more information o IGKO, visit Vedantu.

4. What is the importance of the Student Performance Report in IGKO?

A Student Performance Report is provided to each student containing a detailed analysis of the student’s performance. This report contains various important details including the marks obtained by the student at each level, score of each of the sections of the exam, students performance as compared to other students at Zonal and International level, Percentage analysis, and average marks analysis. Additionally, if the students have appeared for previous Olympiads, a detailed performance comparison is provided for the last 10 years’ performance.

5. Are there any particular reference books that students should refer to score a good ranking in SOF IGKO 2024-25 exam?

Generally,  NCERT books/course books prescribed by the CBSE/ICSE/State Boards are referred to the students for preparation. Additionally, students can also refer to the following books to prepare for the Olympiad exam:

  • MTG Class wise Workbooks (For Class 1 to 10)

  • ‘SOF Olympiad Trainer’ Mobile Apps

  • Olympiads’ Books of Reasoning (for preparation for the reasoning section of Olympiads)

  • E-Quiz