About INMO 2024-25 Examination
FAQs on INMO 2024-25 Exam Date
1. If a Student is Willing to Write the Inmo Exam 2024-25. Can he Write it Directly or do he Need to Meet Any Criteria?
The applicant's academic performance is not taken into account by INMO. As a result, academic success in various classes is not a prerequisite for applying to the INMO 2024-25. However, you must first pass the HBCSE Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) exam before sitting for INMO. Furthermore, the INMO exam is the third step on the ladder leading to the ultimate sixth level, the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). That is to say, there are various stages in IMO, with INMO being the third most numerous, and applicants must pass each stage before moving on to the next.
2. Is the Olympiad Tougher Than JEE?
Olympiads are actually more difficult than JEE and JEE ADVANCED. To begin with, the difficulty level of all questions in IMO and other Olympiads is higher than in JEE. Second, in comparison to JEE ADVANCED, the candidate selection quota is much lower. Remember that achieving a good IMO score does not guarantee a good JEE score. However, by studying for the Olympiad test, you can build a solid foundation for competitive entrance exams. The two competitive exams are a little orthogonal in this sense.
3. How Can Vedantu Help me Crack INMO and IMO Exams?
Industry maestros oversee Vedantu e-learning education, which is renowned for providing exceptional and cost-effective packages for Indian National Mathematical Olympiad and other relevant Olympiad exam preparation. Students receive comprehensive instruction by activity workbooks, previous year papers with solutions, and Math Olympiad sample papers, as well as people and personal guidance with the right INMO response key.
4. How Do You Qualify for INMO?
In order for the candidates to appear for INMO 2024-25 examination, the candidates should first write the Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) of their respective state. This is usually held in the month of December, but due to the ongoing pandemic situation in our country, the dates announced for any INMO related examination could change in the future. When the candidates write the RMO test, around 30 students are selected from each region to write the INMO examination.
5. Why Should the Student Opt for the INMO 2024-25 Examination?
There are other benefits the candidates get besides a chance of appearing in the INMO examination. These benefits are listed below:
Candidates who plan to pursue a career in mathematics can apply for an NBHM scholarship of Rs 2,500 per month. Furthermore, if they have a special interest in Mathematics but do not study it as a subject, they are eligible for an annual cash award of Rs 9,000.
INMO qualifiers are also qualifying for the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) fellowship if they continue their scientific studies in India. This fellowship pays Rs. 5000 a month.
There are also cash prizes of Rs 5,000, Rs 4,000, and Rs 3,000 for those who win gold, silver, or bronze at IMO.
6. What is the Structure of the INMO 2024-25 Examination?
The INMO 2024-25 examination paper consists of six problems to be solved in four hours. The entire question paper is of 102 marks and the marks are distributed equally with all six questions. The six questions which are given are very difficult to answer and these problems are in the fields of algebra, geometry, number theory, and combinatorics. Calculus is not covered in the test, but students are permitted to solve problems using calculus-based methods.
7. If a Student is Willing to Write the INMO Exam 2024-25. Can he Write it Directly or do he Need to Meet Any Criteria?
The applicant's academic performance is not taken into account by INMO. As a result, academic success in various classes is not a prerequisite for applying to the INMO 2024-25. However, you must first pass the HBCSE Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) exam before sitting for INMO. Furthermore, the INMO exam is the third step on the ladder leading to the ultimate sixth level, the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). That is to say, there are various stages in IMO, with INMO being the third most numerous, and applicants must pass each stage before moving on to the next.
8. Is the Olympiad Tougher Than JEE?
Olympiads are actually more difficult than JEE and JEE ADVANCED. To begin with, the difficulty level of all questions in IMO and other Olympiads is higher than in JEE. Second, in comparison to JEE ADVANCED, the candidate selection quota is much lower. Remember that achieving a good IMO score does not guarantee a good JEE score. However, by studying for the Olympiad test, you can build a solid foundation for competitive entrance exams. The two competitive exams are a little orthogonal in this sense.