RMO Exam 2024-25 Sample Paper 1 With Solution
FAQs on RMO Exam 2024-25 Sample Paper 1 PDF
1. How many stages are there in the Olympiad?
Ans: There are a total of six stages to be cleared to qualify for the International Mathematical Olympiad.
The Pre-Regional Mathematics Olympiad (PRMO) is considered to be the first stage.
The Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) is the second stage.
The Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) is the third stage.
The International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC) is the fourth stage.
The Pre-Departure Camp is the fifth stage.
The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is the sixth stage.
2. From where can I get all the sample papers of RMO?
Ans: It is important to score higher in the exams and therefore, it is also important to solve as many question papers as a student can. Vedantu provides you free access to all the available sample papers of last year in PDF format. The only thing you need to do is to visit the official website of Vedantu or mobile app and click on the 'Download PDF'. Vedantu provides you with in-depth knowledge of RMO as well as keeps you updated about the upcoming exams of 2024-25.
3. Who is eligible for RMO?
Ans: Only that student who has passed the first stage of the Olympiad and that is The Pre-Regional Mathematics Olympiad (PRMO) exam is eligible for the second level of the Olympiad and that is Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) exam and he must be been born on or after August 1, 2003. It is a compulsion for a student to be in the examination hall for at least 3 hours as the duration of the exam is for 3 hours. The total number of questions they need to attempt is six and the medium of the examination is Hindi/English and other regional languages.
4. Can Class 8th students take this Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) exam?
Ans: Yes, they can appear for the Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) exam but it would be decided by the Regional Coordinators as they have the authority to allow the students of Class 8th who have been gifted with exceptional mathematical talent to take an exam of Regional Mathematical Olympiad. Only students from classes 9th to 12th are eligible for this exam and they have to pass all six stages of the Olympiad to get into the International Mathematical Olympiad ( IMO).
5. What are the benefits of the Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) exam?
Ans: There are a lot of benefits of the Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) exam.
A candidate gets to know his weaknesses then he tries to improve on his weaknesses.
He gets to know his mathematical skills and how much he needs to improve.
His resume in the future would look impressive as well as they could get a scholarship in some of the institutes of IIT.
If you apply in ISI or CMI then you have a high chance in the interview to get selected for the post applied.