Introduction to Critical Velocity
The Velocity with which the liquid flow changes from streamlined to turbulent known as the Critical Velocity of the fluid. The fluid's streamlines are straight parallel lines when the Velocity is less for the fluid in the pipe. As the Velocity of the fluid gradually increases, the streamline continues to be straight and parallel to the pipe wall. Once the Velocity reaches the breaking point, it forms patterns. Throughout the pipe, the Critical Velocity will disperse the streamlines.
To keep the flow non-Critical, the sewer pipes are gradually sloped so gravity works on the fluid flow. The excess Velocity of flow can cause erosion of the pipe since solid particles are present in the flow, which will lead to damage to the pipe. By using the trenchless method like cured-in-place-pipe, pipe bursting and slip lining, pipe damaged by the action of high-Velocity fluid can be rectified.
The fluid's Critical Velocity can be calculated using the Reynolds number, which characterizes the flow of streamlined or turbulent air. It is a dimensionless variable which can be calculated by using the formula.
Critical Velocity Formula
The mathematical representation of Critical Velocity with the dimensional formula given below:
Critical Velocity vc = (kη/rρ)
K = Reynold’s number,
η = coefficient of viscosity of a liquid
r = radius of capillary tube and
ρ = density of the liquid.
Dimensional formula of:
Reynolds number (Re) = M0L0T0
Coefficient of viscosity (𝜂) = M1L-1T-1
Radius (r) = M0L1T0
The density of fluid (⍴) = M1L-3T0
\[V_c=\frac{\mid M^0L^0T^0\mid \mid M^1L^{-1}T^{-1}\mid }{\mid M^1L^{-3}T^0\mid \mid M^0L^1T^0\mid }\]
Critical Velocity
SI unit of Critical Velocity is meter/sec
Reynolds Number
The ratio between inertial forces and viscous forces is known as the Reynolds number. Reynold’s number is a pure number that helps identify the nature of the flow and Critical Velocity of a liquid through a pipe.
The number is mathematically represented as follows:
\[R_c=\frac{\rho uL}{\mu }=\frac{uL}{v}\]
⍴: density of the fluid in kg.m^-3
𝜇: dynamic viscosity of the fluid in m^2s
u: Velocity of the fluid in ms^-1
L: characteristic linear dimension in m
𝜈: kinematic viscosity of the fluid in m2s-1
By determining the value of the Reynolds number, flow type can decide as follows:
If the value of Re is between 0 to 2000, the flow is streamlined or laminar
If the value of Re is between 2000 to 3000, the flow is unstable or turbulent
If the value of Re is above 3000, the flow is highly turbulent
Reynolds number concerning laminar and turbulent flow regimes are as follows:
When the value of Reynolds number is low then the viscous forces are dominant, laminar flow transpires and are categorized as a smooth, constant fluid motion
When the value of the Reynolds number is high, then the inertial forces are dominant, turbulent flow occurs and tends to produce vortices, flow uncertainties, and disordered eddies.
Following is the derivation of Reynolds number:
\[R_c=\frac{ma}{TA}=\frac{\rho V.\frac{du}{dt}}{\mu \frac{du}{dy}.A}\alpha \frac{\rho L^3.\frac{du}{dt}}{\mu \frac{du}{dy}L^2}=\frac{\rho L\frac{dy}{dt}}{\mu }=\frac{\rho u_0L}{\mu }=\frac{u_0}{v}\]
t= time
y = cross-sectional position
u = :\[\frac{dx}{dt}\] flow speed
τ = shear stress in Pa
A = cross-sectional area of the flow
V = volume of the fluid element
U0 = a maximum speed of the particle relative to the fluid in ms^-1
L = a characteristic linear dimension
𝜇 = fluid of dynamic viscosity in Pa.s
𝜈 = kinematic viscosity in m^2s
⍴ = density of the fluid in kg.m^-3
Critical Velocity Ratio
The idea of Critical Velocity was established that will make a channel free from silting and scouring. From long observations, a relation between Critical Velocity and full supply depth was formulated as
The values of C and n were found out as 0.546 and 0.64 respectively, thus v0=0.546 D^0.64
However, in the above formula, the Critical Velocity was affected by the grade of silt. So, another factor (m) was introduced which was known as the Critical Velocity ratio (C.V.R).
Critical Velocity Ratio (C.V.R) is otherwise known as the ratio of mean Velocity 'V' to the Critical Velocity 'Vo' where Vo is known as the Critical Velocity ratio (CVR).
It is denoted by m i.e. CVR (m) = V/Vo
When m = 1, there will be no silting or scouring
When m>1, scouring will occur,
When m<1, silting will occur.
So, by finding the value of m, the condition of the canal can be predicted whether it will have silting or scouring.
Critical Velocity Definition
The speed at which gravity and air resistance on a falling object are equalised is defined as the speed at which the object reaches its destination Critical Velocity. The speed and direction at which a fluid will flow through a conduit without becoming turbulent is the alternative approach of elaborating Critical Velocity. Turbulent flow is defined as a fluid flow that is erratic and changes amplitude and direction continuously.
Characteristics of Turbulent Flow
At higher velocities, low viscosity, and larger associated linear dimensions, turbulent flow is more likely to occur. A turbulent flow is defined as one with a Reynolds number greater than Re > 3500.
Irregularity: The irregular motion of the fluid particles characterizes the flow. Fluid particles travel in a haphazard manner. Turbulent flow is frequently treated statistically rather than deterministically for this reason.
Diffusivity: Inflow with a relatively constant Velocity Dispersal occurs across a section of the pipe, resulting in the entire fluid flowing at a single value and rapidly dropping extremely close to the walls. Diffusivity is the property that accounts for the better mixture and exaggerated rates of mass, momentum, and energy transfers in a flow.
Rotationality:Turbulent flow is distinguished by a strong three-dimensional vortex production process. Vortex stretching is the name for this mechanism.
Dissipation: A dissipative approach is one in which viscous shear stress moulds the K.E. of flow into internal energy.
Critical Velocity-Formula, Units
With the dimensional formula, the following is a mathematical demonstration of Critical Velocity:
VC= Reηρr
Vc: Critical Velocity
Re: Regarding the Reynolds figure (ratio of mechanical phenomenon forces to viscous forces)
𝜂: coefficient of viscosity
r: radius of the tube
⍴: density of the fluid
Critical Velocity Dimensional Formula:
Vc = M0L1T-1
Unit of Critical Velocity:
SI unit of Critical Velocity is meter/sec
Types of Critical Velocity
Lower Critical Velocity:
Lower Critical Velocity is the speed at which laminar flow ceases or shifts from laminar to transition period. There is a transition time between laminar and turbulent flow. It has been discovered experimentally when a laminar flow turns into turbulence, it does not change abruptly. But there's a transition period between 2 forms of flows. This experiment was first performed by Prof. Reynolds Osborne in 1883.
Upper Critical Velocity:
The speed at which turbulence in a flow begins or ends. Greater or higher Critical Velocity refers to the Velocity at which a flow transitions from a transition period to turbulent flow.
FAQs on Critical Velocity
1.What is theDimensional Formula of Critical Velocity ?
Critical Velocity refers to the Velocity of the fluid when the flow changes from laminar to turbulent flow. Formula of Critical Velocity is:
VC = Re η / ρ r
Re = Reynolds number
η = coefficient of viscosity
ρ = density of fluid
r = radius of tube
Reynolds number's dimensional formula (Re) = M0L0T0
Coefficient of viscosity dimensional formula (η) = M1L-1T-1
Fluid Density Dimensional Formula(ρ) =M1L-3T0
Dimensional Formula of radius (r) = M0L1T0
2.What does Critical Velocity depend on?
The maximuml Velocity is designated as Critical Velocity with which if fluid flows, it will be the streamline flow or laminar flow. The Critical Velocity of a liquid flow is the speed at which the flow becomes streamlined (laminar) and turbulent above it. The speed and direction at which a fluid can flow through a conduit without becoming turbulent is another method of defining Critical Velocity. Vc is the symbol for it, and it is determined by: Density of liquid, Radius of the tube, Coefficient of viscosity of liquid
3.Does Critical Velocity depend on Reynolds number?
Critical Velocity is the rate and direction at which the flow of a liquid through a tube changes from smooth to turbulent.The Critical Velocity is determined by a multitude of factors, but the Reynolds number is what determines whether the liquid flow through a tube is turbulent or laminar.Calculating Critical Velocity depends on several variables. Reynolds’s number (Re) characterizes the flow of the liquid through a tube as either laminar or turbulent.
4.What is the importance of Critical Velocity?
Critical Velocity is defined as the amount of gas required to keep fluids entrained in the gas stream and lifted to the surface. The more line pressure you have, the greater the required flow rate. The higher the flow rate required, the larger the pipe or tube size.Reynolds showed experimentally that if an average Velocity of flow of a given liquid is below a certain value the motion is streamline and if it exceeds this value the flow becomes turbulent.
5.What is meant by Critical Velocity?
A falling object's Critical Velocity is the speed at which gravity and air resistance equalize on the object. The Velocity and direction of a liquid's flow in a tube changes from smooth, or "laminar," to turbulent, which is known as Critical Velocity in fluid mechanics. The crucial Velocity is the continuous horizontal Velocity applied to the satellite in order to place it in a stable circular orbit around the earth.
6.What does one mean by the Critical velocity of a fluid?
The limiting value in which the flow streamlined and above which the velocity becomes turbulent is known as the critical velocity. The speed and direction in which the flow of a liquid changes from through tube smooth to turbulent is known as the critical velocity of the fluid. There are multiple variables on which the critical velocity depends, but whether the flow of the fluid is smooth or turbulent is determined by the Reynolds number.
7.What is the critical velocity of a non-viscous liquid?
This is actually a very difficult problem to solve, as the critical velocity of liquid flow is the point where the flow changes from laminar to turbulent.
The critical velocity depends on Reynolds Number,
R = ρVD/μ
A Reynolds Number of 2320 or less defines laminar flow, and higher than that 4000 defines turbulent flow.
Here, the fluid is specified to be non-viscous. As such, μ = 0 and Reynolds Number is infinity.
The interpretation of this specific phenomenon is wide open to speculation.
8.How to explain the relationship between critical velocity and density of fluid?
The critical velocity is the velocity of the flow of liquid up to which the flow is streamlined and above which it becomes turbulent. This is denoted by Vc and depends on:
Coefficient of viscosity of liquid (η)
Density of liquid
Radius of tube
This brings us to the relation
Vc = (K η)/ρr
For the flow to be streamlined, the value of Vc should be very much higher. For this, the coefficient of viscosity must be large and ρ, r must be small.
This means the Reynolds Number Nr should be within 0 to 2000.