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How is a bacterial cell different from an onion peel cell?
A. Bacterial cell - prokaryote, onion peel cell - eukaryote
B. Onion peel cell - prokaryote, bacterial cell - eukaryote
C. The bacterial cell contains membranous organelles, onion peel cells - no membrane organelles.
D. None of these

Last updated date: 20th Sep 2024
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Hint: Cell is the fundamental structural and functional unit of all living organisms.
A single cell is capable of independent existence and also performing the essential functions of life.
All cells have certain structures in common to carry out basic life processes, but the differential distribution of organelles gives cells distinct characteristics.
There are two types of cell - prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Complete answer: PROKARYOTIC CELL: It is a single-membrane system.
The cell wall surrounds the plasma membrane in most cases. It is composed of peptidoglycans comprising polysaccharides linked to amino acids.
The strengthening material is murein.
The cell membrane bears respiratory enzymes.
Cell membrane help in distributing replication products of the chromosome between daughter cells.
Cytoplasm lacks organelles( endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, centrosome, microfilaments, microtubules, intermediate fibres, microbodies) except ribosome.
The bacterial cell is an example of a prokaryotic cell.

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EUKARYOTIC CELL: It is a double membrane system.
1. Cell wall surrounds the plasma membrane in some protists, most fungi, and all plants.
2. It is composed of polysaccharides.
3. Cell membrane does not form mesosomes or photosynthetic lamellae.
4. Thylakoids occur in the chloroplast.
5. The cytoplasm contains organelles viz endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, centrosome, microfilaments, intermediate fibres, microtubules, besides ribosome.
6. Onion peel cell is an example of a eukaryotic cell.
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So, the correct answer is “Option A”.

Note: There are two types of cells: prokaryotic and eukaryotic.
This classification is based on three main features
(i) Organization of biomembranes
(ii) A variety of cytoplasmic organelles and
(iii) The complexity of nuclear material.
The eukaryotic cell occurs in protest fungi, plants, and animals and prokaryotic cells occur in most of the bacteria and blue-green algae.