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Rahim Ke Dohe (रहीम के दोहे) Class 6 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Malhar) Chapter 5


CBSE Hindi (Malhar) Revision Notes for Chapter 5 रहीम के दोहे Class 6 - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu’s free revision notes for Class 6 Hindi are designed to make studying easier and more organised. These notes are aligned with the CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus, covering all important topics simply and understandably. Available as a free PDF, these notes allow students to review key points whenever they want, helping them prepare well for exams.

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In Chapter 5, Rahim Ke Dohe, students explore the timeless wisdom of Rahim’s couplets, which share valuable life lessons about humility, kindness, and patience. The revision notes summarise each doha with clear explanations, making it easy for students to understand the deeper meanings. Class 6 Hindi Revision Notes help students remember important points and strengthen their understanding of the lessons in each chapter, making revision smooth and effective.

Access Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 5: Rahim Ke Dohe (रहीम के दोहे) Notes

लेखक परिचय — अब्दुर्रहीम खानखाना

रहीम भक्तिकाल के एक प्रसिद्ध कवि थे। ऐसा माना जाता है कि उनका जन्म 16वीं शताब्दी में हुआ था। उन्होंने नीति, भक्ति और प्रेम संबंधी रचनाएँ कीं। उन्होंने अवधी और ब्रजभाषा दोनों में कविताएँ लिखीं हैं। रहीम रामायण, महाभारत आदि प्रसिद्ध ग्रंथों के अच्छे जानकार थे। उनकी मृत्यु 17वीं शताब्दी में हुई थी। आज भी आम जन-जीवन में उनके दोहे बहुत लोकप्रिय हैं।


रहीम के दोहे में कवि ने जीवन की विभिन्न स्थितियों और मूल्यों पर अपने विचार प्रकट किए हैं। उनके दोहे सादगी भरे हैं, लेकिन गहरी सीख से युक्त हैं। यह दोहे जीवन में विनम्रता, प्रेम, सहनशीलता, जल का महत्व, मित्रता और धैर्य के गुणों को दर्शाते हैं। रहीम ने इन दोहों के माध्यम से छोटे शब्दों में बड़ी बातें समझाने की कोशिश की है, जो हमें दैनिक जीवन में अनुसरण करनी चाहिए।

मुख्य विषय

कविता का मुख्य विषय जीवन के गुण और मूल्य हैं। रहीम ने अपने दोहों में प्रेम, सहनशीलता, विनम्रता, संतोष, और जल का महत्व समझाया है। इनके माध्यम से उन्होंने यह संदेश दिया है कि हमें जीवन में गुणवान बनना चाहिए और दूसरों के प्रति विनम्र रहना चाहिए।

पात्र चित्रण

रहीम के दोहों में किसी विशेष पात्र का चित्रण नहीं है, बल्कि उन्होंने अपने जीवन के अनुभवों और समाज में देखी गई बातों को दोहों के माध्यम से प्रस्तुत किया है। दोहों में नैतिकता और अच्छे चरित्र का संदेश मिलता है, जो हमें जीवन में सकारात्मक सोच और सही रास्ते पर चलने के लिए प्रेरित करता है।


  • विनम्रता का महत्व: रहीम ने कहा है कि बड़े लोगों को देखकर छोटे लोगों को कभी अनदेखा नहीं करना चाहिए, क्योंकि हर किसी का अपना महत्व होता है।

  • प्रेम का धागा: प्रेम का धागा टूटने पर फिर से जुड़ नहीं सकता, इसलिए प्रेम को हमेशा संजोकर रखना चाहिए।

  • जल का महत्व: रहीम ने पानी के महत्व पर जोर दिया है कि पानी के बिना सब कुछ व्यर्थ है, चाहे वह मोती हो, मनुष्य हो या कोई अन्य वस्तु।

  • धैर्य का महत्व: रहीम ने धैर्य को जीवन में आवश्यक गुण बताया है। कठिन समय में धैर्य बनाए रखना लाभकारी होता है।

  • अंदर का गुण: रहीम ने कहा है कि व्यक्ति का आंतरिक गुण ही असली पहचान है, न कि बाहरी दिखावा।

  • संपत्ति और बुरे समय: रहीम ने कहा है कि संकट के समय में केवल वही मित्र सच्चे होते हैं जो कठिनाई में साथ देते हैं।

Points to remember from Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 5 Rahim Ke Dohe

  • Rahim's Wisdom: The dohas (couplets) of Rahim convey life lessons on humility, patience, and kindness, which are relevant even today.

  • Importance of Humility: Rahim teaches that one should not underestimate anyone based on their size or status, as everyone has their value.

  • Value of Relationships: The dohas emphasise the importance of maintaining relationships with care, as broken relationships are hard to mend.

  • Significance of Water: Rahim highlights the importance of water (symbolising life), stating that without water, nothing has value, be it pearls or human life.

  • Patience in Adversity: Rahim encourages patience, advising that one should stay calm during difficult times as everything has its time.

  • Inner Virtue over Outer Appearance: He emphasises that true worth lies within a person’s character, not in their outward appearance.

  • True Friendships: Rahim believes that true friends are those who support you in difficult times, demonstrating loyalty and care.

Importance of Revision Notes Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 5 Rahim Ke Dohe

  • Revision notes for Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 5 Rahim Ke Dohe are essential as they simplify the profound teachings of Rahim's couplets. 

  • These notes break down each Doha, making it easy for students to understand the deep life lessons about humility, patience, and kindness. 

  • They focus on key phrases and meanings, helping students retain important points during exams. 

  • With concise explanations, revision notes save time and support quick study sessions. 

  • They also help in improving answer-writing skills by guiding students on how to frame their responses based on the dohas' main themes.

Study Tips for Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 5 Rahim Ke Dohe

  • Understand Each Doha Individually: Read each doha carefully, and try to understand the meaning of each line. Breaking it down will help you grasp the message better.

  • Learn the Meanings of Difficult Words: Note down any tough words and their meanings. This will make the language easier to follow and help you remember the dohas.

  • Summarise the Teachings: Write a summary of each doha's teaching in your own words. This will reinforce the lesson and make revision simpler.

  • Focus on Key Themes: Pay attention to common themes in Rahim's dohas, like humility, patience, and kindness, which are central to understanding his wisdom.

  • Practise Writing Answers: Practise answering questions on each doha's meaning and message. This will improve your ability to express the teachings clearly in exams.

  • Discuss with Peers or Teachers: If possible, discuss the dohas with classmates or teachers to get different perspectives and a better understanding of Rahim’s messages.

  • Use Revision Notes: Go through the revision notes to reinforce your understanding and quickly review the main points before exams.


The revision notes for Class 6 Hindi (Malhar) Chapter 5 Rahim ke Dohe provide a simple way to understand Rahim’s timeless wisdom. By explaining each doha clearly, these notes help students connect with the valuable life lessons of humility, patience, and kindness. They make revision quick and effective, saving time during exam preparation. With these notes, students have a reliable guide to enhance their understanding of Rahim's teachings and prepare confidently.

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FAQs on Rahim Ke Dohe (रहीम के दोहे) Class 6 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Malhar) Chapter 5

1. What is the purpose of Vedantu’s revision notes for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 5 Rahim ke Dohe?

Vedantu’s revision notes provide a simplified explanation of each couplet, helping students understand and remember Rahim’s teachings easily.

2. How can the notes help in understanding difficult words in Rahim ke Dohe?

The notes include definitions and explanations of difficult words in each doha, making it simpler for students to grasp the meanings and concepts.

3. Why should Class 6 students use Vedantu’s notes for Rahim ke Dohe?

Vedantu’s notes are designed specifically for Class 6 students, offering clear insights into the dohas, which makes learning both effective and engaging.

4. How do the notes summarise each doha in Rahim ke Dohe?

Each doha is broken down into simple points, summarising the main message and helping students focus on Rahim’s core teachings about life values.

5. Can Vedantu’s revision notes help students in revising Rahim ke Dohe quickly?

Yes, the notes are concise and highlight key themes, making it easy for students to review important points quickly before exams.

6. How can I download Vedantu’s free PDF notes for Chapter 5 Rahim ke Dohe?

The free PDF can be downloaded directly from the Vedantu website, giving students the flexibility to study whenever they need.

7. How do Vedantu’s notes enhance understanding of each doha’s message?

The notes explain each doha’s moral clearly, allowing students to connect with Rahim’s advice on humility, patience, and kindness.

8. Are the revision notes helpful for understanding Rahim’s views on relationships?

Yes, the notes explain Rahim’s messages on relationships, such as the importance of maintaining bonds and treating others with respect.

9. Do Vedantu’s notes make it easier to remember Rahim ke Dohe?

Absolutely, the structured layout and clear explanations in the notes help students remember the messages and themes of each couplet.

10. How can these notes improve my exam preparation for Chapter 5 Rahim ke Dohe?

Vedantu’s notes summarise key points and explanations, helping students focus on what’s important for exams and making revision easier.

11. Can the notes help in understanding the cultural context of Rahim ke Dohe?

Yes, Vedantu’s notes provide insights into Rahim’s wisdom and values, which were important in his era, helping students appreciate the cultural background.

12. Why are Vedantu’s notes a good resource for studying Chapter 5 Rahim ke Dohe?

Vedantu’s notes are crafted to offer a complete understanding of each couplet, making them an excellent resource for understanding the chapter deeply and efficiently.