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NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate


Class 7 Science NCERT Exemplar Solutions Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate

Free PDF download of NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Chapter - 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate solved by expert Science teachers on as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines. All Chapter - 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate exercise questions with solutions to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

You can also Download NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science to help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

One sure way to get success in the subject of science is by having as much practice as possible because practice makes a student perfect in the subject of science. And for having a practice of a great level for the Class 7 science, Chapter 7 which is Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate, students must solve the Exemplar of it.

But solving the exemplar questions alone does not help the students, because they have to make sure that they have solved the questions in the correct manner. Therefore, Vedantu provides the students with the complete solutions for the Exemplar of Class 7, science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate, for completely free of cost download.

Access NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 7 Science(Biology) Chapter 7 - Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The maximum and minimum temperature displayed daily in the weather bulletin refer to the 

(a) Highest day temperature and lowest night temperature of the day. 

(b) Highest day temperature and highest night temperature of the month. 

(c) Temperature recorded at 12 noon and at midnight (00.00 hrs). 

(d) Average highest temperature of day and average lowest temperature of night. 

Ans: The correct answer is option (a). A "maximum temperature" is the highest temperature of the day. A "minimum temperature" refers to the lowest temperature of the day.

2. Out of the given definitions, which is the most appropriate definition of climate? 

(a) Changes in weather conditions in a year. 

(b) Average weather pattern of many years. 

(c) Change in weather pattern in a few years. 

(d) Weather conditions during summer. 

Ans: The correct answer is option (b). Climate refers to the average weather in a certain place over a lengthy period of time.

3. Which of the following briefly describes the desert climate? 

(a) Hot and humid 

(b) Dry and humid 

(c) Hot and dry 

(d) Hot and wet 

Ans: The correct answer is option (c). Deserts have very little rainfall in a year. As a result, the desert has a hot and dry climate.

4. Paheli went to a wildlife sanctuary where she saw dense vegetation of trees, shrubs, herbs and also a variety of animals like monkeys, birds, elephants, snakes, frogs, etc. The most likely location of this sanctuary is in the --

(a) Temperate region 

(b) Tropical region 

(c) Polar region 

(d) Coastal region 

Ans: The correct answer is option (b). That wildlife sanctuary was in a tropical region. As explained by Paheli, this region has positive conditions to support a wide diversity of living organisms. Other given options (Temperate region, Polar region, and coastal region) will not support a diversity of living organisms such as tropical regions. 

5. Given below are some adaptive features of animals: 

(i) Layer of fat under the skin 

(ii) Long, curved and sharp claws 

(iii) Slippery body 

(iv) Thick white fur 

Which of them are the adaptive features of a polar bear? 

(a) (i) only 

(b) (i) and (ii) only 

(c) (i), (ii) and (iii) only 

(d) (i), (ii), and (iv) only 

Ans: The correct answer is option (d). The following are some of a polar bear's adaptations to living in a frigid climate:

(a) Polar bears keep themselves warm by engaging in physical activities (such as swimming).

(b) Polar bears are protected from the cold by their large amounts of fat and thick skin.

(c) To maintain a proper body temperature, polar bears cluster together in groups.

(d) Polar bears' white fur helps them blend in with the ice and snow.

6. Which of the following statements is incorrect for penguins? 

(a) They huddle together 

(b) They cannot swim

(c) They have webbed feet 

(d) They have streamlined body 

Ans: The correct answer is option (b). Penguins are good swimmers. They have webbed feet, streaming bodies, and flipper-like wings.

7. Read the following environmental conditions of tropical rain forests. 

(i) Hot and humid climate 

(ii) Unequal lengths of day and night 

(iii) Abundant rainfall 

(iv) Abundant light and moisture 

Identify the conditions from the above list that are responsible for the presence of a large number of plants and animals in tropical rainforests. 

(a) (i) and (ii) 

(b) (i) and (iii) 

(c) (i), (iii) and (iv) 

(d) (ii) and (iv) 

Ans: The correct answer is option (c). Environmental conditions of tropical rain forests are suitable for supporting the variety and an enormous number of animals and plants. 

8. The coldest region on earth is the – 

(a) Polar region 

(b) Tropical region 

(c) Temperate region 

(d) Coastal region 

Ans: The correct answer is option (a). The temperature of the polar region has a very cold climate because this entire region is covered by snow. 

9. Choose the odd one from the following options: 

(a) Thick layer of fat under the skin 

(b) White fur 

(c) Long grasping tail 

(d) Wide and large feet with sharp claws 

Ans: The correct answer is option (c). All the given options except ‘Long grasping tail’ are adaptations of polar region animals. The adaptation ‘Long grasping tail’ is found in tropical region animals. 

Very Short Answer Questions

10. “A fish dies when taken out of water whereas a wall lizard will die if kept under water.” Mention the term used to describe such abilities that allow fish and lizards to survive in their respective habitats. 

Ans: 'Adaptations' refers to the abilities that allow fish and lizards to live in their specific environments.

11. Give one example of an animal that can live both in water and on land. 

Ans: The 'frog' is an animal that can live in both water and on land. 

12. State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements. 

(a) It is easy to predict weather rather than climate. 

Ans:  The given statement is false. 'Climate' rather than 'weather' is easier to forecast Because weather refers to specific conditions, but climate refers to average conditions. 

(b) Since very few prey are available, polar bears do not need to have a strong sense of smell. 

Ans: The given statement is false. Polar bears must have a keen sense of smell due to the scarcity of prey.

(c) Penguins stick together to fight the cold polar climate. 

Ans: True. They stick together to become isolated and fight the cold climate of the polar regions. 

(d) Tropical rain forests are cool and humid throughout the year because of heavy rains all the time. 

Ans: False. Because of the constant rains, tropical rain forests are 'hot' and humid throughout the year.

13. Unscramble the following words using the hints given against them. 


(Hint: weather pattern in a region over a period of time)



(ii) AROPL 

(Hint: coolest region on earth)




(Hint: used to measure temperature)




(Hint: feature of weather)


Short Answer Questions

14. Match the animals mentioned in Column I with their characteristic features given in Column II.

Column I

Column II

(a) Red-Eyed Frog

(i) Very sensitive hearing 

(b) Penguin 

(ii) Streamlined body

(c) Tiger 

(iii) Silver-white mane 

(d) Lion-tailed macaque 

(iv) Sticky pads on feet 

Ans: The correct table is,

Column I

Column II

(a) Red-Eyed Frog

(iv) Sticky pads on feet  

(b) Penguin 

(ii) Streamlined body

(c) Tiger 

(i) Very sensitive hearing 

(d) Lion-tailed macaque 

(iii) Silver-white mane 

15. Why is it difficult to predict the weather of a place while it is easy to predict its climate? 

Ans: The weather is a daily report of the atmosphere at a certain location in terms of physical quantities such as pressure, temperature, and humidity. After a short period of time, the weather in any given location changes. As a result, predicting the weather in a certain location is difficult. Climate refers to the average weather in a certain place over a lengthy period of time. As a result, predicting the climate of any location is simple.

16. Name two animals each that live in the Polar region and Tropical rainforests. 

Ans: Two animals found in the Polar region are Polar bears and penguins while lions and

elephants are found in the tropical rainforests.

17. Write two common adaptive features of a polar bear that help in keeping it warm. 

Ans: The following are two common adaptive traits of a polar bear that aid in keeping it warm:

a) Polar bears are protected from the cold by their large amounts of fat and thick skin.

b) To maintain a proper body temperature, polar bears congregate in groups.

18. Mention two adaptive features of penguins that help them in swimming. 

Ans: The penguin's two adaptive traits aid it in swimming.

a) The flipper-like wings and streamed body, 

b) The webbed feet. 

19. Differentiate between: 

i) Weather and climate 




It is the daily state of the particular atmosphere and is also measured over a short term. 

It is described as the statistical weather information and also, measured over the long term. 

ii) Humidity and rainfall 




Humidity indicates the wetness of a certain atmosphere due to the presence of moisture.

It is the drops of water. These are the drips that fall from the sky to the ground.

ii) Climates of the polar region and tropical rain forest 


Climates of the polar region

Climates of tropical rainforest

The climate of the polar region is basically cold.

The climate of the tropical rainforest is basically humid and dry.

iv) Maximum and minimum temperatures of the day 


Maximum temperatures of the day

Minimum temperatures of the day

A 'maximum temperature' is the highest temperature reached on a certain day.

A 'minimum temperature' refers to the lowest temperature of the day.

20. Fill in the blanks in the paragraph given below. Weather of a place is the day-to-day condition of the _____(a)_____ with respect to ____(b)____, _____(c)______, ____(d)______, _____(e)______ at  that place, while climate is the _____(f)______ weather pattern taken over many years. 

Ans: Fill up are (a) atmosphere (b) temperature (c) humidity (d) rainfall (e) wind speed (f) average 

21. Given below is a list of climatic conditions and some examples of animals. Read them carefully and place the items in the relevant columns as shown. 

Penguin, Gorilla, Monkey, Reindeer, Assam, Greenland, Sun does not rise for six months, Hot and humid climate, Days and nights are almost equal in length throughout the year, Winter temperature around –37°C, Western Ghats.

Tropical RainForest

Polar Region

Hot and humid climate


Ans: The arranged table is,

Tropical RainForest

Polar Region

Hot and humid climate







Sun does not rise for six months

Days and nights are almost equal in length throughout the year 

Winter temperature around –37°C

Western Ghats

Advantages of Solving the Exemplar for Class 7, Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate.

Solving Exemplar for the seventh chapter of the class seven science helps the students in understanding the chapter at a deeper and better level. Also, it is very much important for the students to have the complete solutions for the chapter on Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate, to check and compare the answers they have written with the ones provided in the solutions.

Hence, Vedantu provides complete solutions free of cost to all the students.

Also, if you are looking for the Exemplar solutions of the previous chapter you can find it here: NCERT Exemplar Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Physical and Chemical Changes (

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FAQs on NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate

1.  How can I know whether I have understood Class 7, Chapter 7 of science, well?

It is very necessary for the students to check whether they have understood Chapter 7 of the Class 7 science subject, which is Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate so that they can move ahead. And for doing so, students must solve the questions given in the Exemplar of the same questions. By solving these exemplar questions students can know how well they have understood the chapter because if they manage to give the answers to all the questions it means they have understood the chapter in a good manner.

2.  How many questions are asked in the Exemplar of the Class 7 science, Chapter 7?

A total of 22 questions are given in the Exemplar of the Class 7 science, Chapter 7 which is Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate. These 22 questions are distributed in the following manner:

  • 10 Multiple choice-type questions, in which students have to choose the answer from the 4 options given.

  • 4 Very short answer type questions.

  • 6 short answer type questions.

  • 1 long answer type question, in which the students are required to fill a total of 6 blanks.

  • The last question in the Exemplar is a “fill in the column’ type question.

3.  Is it necessary to solve all the questions from the Exemplar of Class 7, Chapter 7?

Yes, it is very much important to solve all the 22 questions from the Exemplar of Class 7, Chapter 7, which is Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate. Because each question tests the different aspects of the chapter from the students, hence each of the questions becomes important. Also, the more questions the students solve for this chapter, the more practice for the chapter gets done, and the more practice is done for the chapter, the understanding of the student regarding the chapter on Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate gets deeper.

4. Where can I find the solutions for the Exemplar of Class 7, Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate?

Your search for the solutions of Class 7, Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate ends here at the Vedantu because it provides the solutions to the students of Class 7 free of cost, and this solution is available for download in a PDF file format. In the solution students can find the answer as well as the explanation to all the questions, it also gives a brief explanation of the Multiple-choice type questions as well. Hence, download the solutions for Class 7, Chapter 7 from Vedantu now.

5.  What makes the NCERT Exemplar solutions for Chapter 7, of Class 7, provided by Vedantu a better option?

There are quite many things that make the NCERT Solutions for Class 7, Chapter 7, provided by Vedantu a better option, few of them are as under: -

  • All the questions are solved by highly skilled professionals.

  • The explanation to all the questions is given in a simple and lucid language so that it becomes easy to comprehend to the students.

  • All the questions are available for download in a PDF file format, and also it is totally free for all the students.