50 CUET FAQ on Attempts, Exam Format, Syllabus, and Pattern
FAQs on CUET FAQs 2024| 50 Frequently Asked Questions of CUET
1. What is CUET?
CUET is a national-level examination, conducted for enrollment in several undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Under the Ministry of Education, the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) is being implemented for admission into UG programmes at Central and Participating Universities for the academic year 2023-2024 (MoE).
The Single University Entrance Test (CUET) will give applicants from all across the nation, especially those from rural and other distant locations, a common platform and equitable opportunity, as well as aid in improving relationships with the universities. The candidates will be able to reach a large audience and participate in the admissions process to several Central and participating universities by using a single application form.
2. What is NTA?
The National Testing Agency is known as NTA. It was founded by the Ministry of Education (MoE), formerly the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), as a leading testing agency that is independent, autonomous, self-sufficient, and self-sustaining.
3. How Many Universities Are Participating in CUET 2024?
A total of 54 universities have been accepted to be participating in the CUET examinations. Out of the 54, DU, JNU and many more have confirmed admissions through CUET in 2024.
4. What is the Mode of the CUET Entrance Examination?
The CUET examination will be conducted in CBT (Computer Based Test mode).
5. Which Language Will the Test Be Administered in?
With the exception of language courses, the CU-CET exam will be administered in English.
6. On What Dates Will CUET 2024 Exams Be Held?
The exam will be held between May 15th to May 24th, 2024, for the undergraduate level.
7. When is the Last Day to Submit an Application for CU-CET 2024?
The CUET application form 2024 must be submitted by March 31(Extended).
8. What is the Mode of Application for the CUET Examination Form?
The CUET application form is only submitted through the online portal. No other alternative is present for the application form submission.
9. What Are the Application Fees for CUET 2024 Application Form?
CUET 2024 application fee is Rs 650 for General/ OBC category candidates. For SC and ST candidates, the application fee is Rs 550. The application fee for the PWD candidates is 550.
10. Is Taking the CUET (UG) - 2024 Exam a Requirement for Applicants Who Want to Attend any Central University?
Yes. An applicant must participate in CUET (UG) - 2024 if they wish to be considered for admission to any undergraduate programme at Central University or any of its associated institutions. It is required that admission to undergraduate programmes at Central Universities for the academic year 2023–2024 be based on NTA scores from the CUET (UG)–2024.
11. What is the Process of Payment for the CUET Application Form?
Payment can be made through the online method. SBI, Canara Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Paytm, and Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI/Wallet are all acceptable methods of payment for the CUET 2024 application form. It is important to note that candidates must retain the receipt printout of the application fee submission.
12. What is the Time Duration of CUET 2024?
Each language test and subject test lasts 45 minutes. The general test lasts about an hour.
13. What is the Test's Format?
CUET 2024 will be an objective test. There will be multiple choice questions on the test.
14. What Will the CUET (UG) Question Level Be in 2024?
The baseline for all questions across all testing domains will only be the Class XII syllabus. Students who have studied the Class XII board curriculum will perform well on the CUET (UG) in 2024.
15. What is the Admission Procedure after Qualifying for the CUET 2024 Examination?
Each participating university has its own admissions procedure. Following the release of the CUET 2024 results, the relevant central institutions will publish the counselling procedure and admission timetable in accordance with the weightage given to the CUET 2024 score and the other factors at the participating universities. Information is available on the webpage of the relevant university. Some institutions will offer online admissions counselling for an extra price.
16. What is the Exam Pattern of the CUET 2024 Examination?
The table below gives a detailed exam pattern of the CUET 2024 examination.
Section | Subject | Number | Question type | Time |
Section IA - Languages Section IB - Languages | There are 13 different languages. Any of these languages may be chosen There are 20 Languages. Any other language apart from those offered in Section I A may be chosen. | 40 questions out of 50 in each language | Language to be tested through Reading Comprehension (based on different types of passages–Factual, Literary and Narrative, [Literary Aptitude and Vocabulary] MCQ Based Questions) | 45 Minutes for each language |
Section II - Domain | There are 27 Domains specific Subjects being offered under this Section. A candidate may choose a maximum of six (06) Domains as desired by the applicable University. | 40 questions out of 50 in each subject | Input text can be used for MCQ Based Questions MCQs based on syllabus given on NTA website | 45 Minutes for each Domain Specific Subjects |
Section III - General Test | For any such undergraduate programme/ programmes being offered by Universities where a General Test is being used for admission. | 60 questions out of 75 | Input text can be used for MCQ Based Questions General Knowledge, Current Affairs, General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/algebra geometry/mensuration /stat taught till Grade 8), Logical and Analytical Reasoning | 60 Minutes |
17. What is the Maximum Number of Test(s) That Can Be Opted for by a Candidate in the CUET 2024 Examination?
According to the NTA CUET 2024 examination, the maximum number of tests to be taken is 9. Candidates can opt for either of the following combinations.
2 Languages + 6 Domain-Specific Subjects + 1 General Test
3 Languages + 5 Domain-Specific Subjects + 1 General Test
18. What is the CUET Question Paper's Scoring System?
There are five-mark multiple-choice questions throughout the paper. For each incorrect response, a mark will be deducted, and for each correct response, a mark will be added. For questions that are not tried, there are no negative marks.
19. What Documents or Certificates Do I Need to Upload along with the Application Form?
Candidates need to upload the following with the application form:
Scanned images of photographs and signature
Certificates in respect of PwD/Category/BPL Certificate as applicable.
The document will be verified directly at the time of admission by the university.
20. What Are the Topics Covered in the Sections of CUET Question Paper 2024?
The question paper will have 3 sections. The first section will be language-based. The second will be on domain-specific subjects. The third section will be on GK and reasoning.
21. Which Language Will the Test Be Administered in?
With the exception of language courses, the CU-CET exam will be administered in English.
22. Can an Applicant Submit Two Applications at Once, One for Each Course?
As long as they meet the eligibility requirements, applicants may submit more than one application. However, they must avoid submitting duplicate or numerous applications for the same course, as doing so might result in the cancellation of all of their applications.
23. Is it Possible to Register Using a Friend's Email Address?
No, candidates must only use a legitimate and individual email address as all correspondence is done by registered email ID or SMS. Additionally, because the mobile number and email address on the application form are set, no candidate will be able to update or edit them afterwards.
24. What is the Eligibility for the CUET 2024 Examination?
The only eligibility for the CUET 2024 examination is that a minimum of 50% marks in Class 12th for general category candidates is required. The minimum percentage is 45% for SC/ST candidates. Students must have studied Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, or Biology depending upon the course a candidate is applying for.
25. Do I Have to Include the Universities in My Application Form?
Yes. You must provide the names of the universities you plan to apply to in your CUET (UG) 2024 application form in order to make it easier for those universities to share your information after your test results throughout the admissions process.
26. How Many Universities May a Candidate Choose from while Registering?
There is no restriction on the number of universities you can choose from when submitting your application.
27. Can Students Fix any Mistakes They Made on the Application Form after Submitting It?
The candidate's information cannot be updated or edited once the "Final Submit" button has been hit. However, before issuing an admit card, NTA may allow a window for corrections. After the correction window closes, no changes may be made, and all information supplied by the candidate will be regarded as final.
28. What to Do if an Online Payment is Made but no Confirmation Page Appears?
If you encounter this issue, it is advisable that you wait for 24 hours. If the confirmation page does not appear after payment of the fee, the transaction is cancelled, and the applicant will receive a refund of their money.
29. What Are the Details Mentioned in CUET 2024 Admit Card?
The following details are mentioned in the CUET 2024 admit card:
Roll No.
Subject Group
Date of Birth
Examination Centre Name
Medium opted
30. What Age Requirement Must You Meet in Order to Apply to CUET (UG) in 2024?
Such a requirement is not there for CUET (UG) - 2024 applications. However, there are age requirements that may apply in accordance with any university's or participating institution's rules and regulations for admission.
31. Do the Candidate's Name, Mother's Name, and Father's Name Need to Match the Certificate for Class X or XII?
The candidate's name, father's name, and mother's name must all be the same as the Class 10 certificate. Candidates may only provide one name if they are children of single parents.
32. How Will My Admit Card Be Downloaded?
The NTA website will release the admit card.
33. Are Candidates Allowed to Take Personal Belongings to the Examination Centres?
No, personal belongings are not allowed in the examination halls. Here, personal belongings include items such as mobile phones, digital or analogue watches, food items, study material, lockets, bags, electronic gadgets or any other prohibited item.
34, Are There any Papers I Need to Bring to the Testing Location?
On the day of the test at the testing facility, candidates must present the aforementioned documentation:
Admit card obtained from the NTA website along with the undertaking
Any ID with a photo (Aadhar Card, Driving Licence, Passport, Ration Card, PAN Card)
If requesting relaxation under the PwD category, the Competent Authority must provide a PwD certificate.
35. Should Students Carry a Rough Sheet for Their Work?
No, candidates are not allowed to bring any sheet of paper. If required, the candidates will be given a rough paper for the calculations.
36. Is There a Plan in Place for Applicants Who Cannot Take the CUET 2024 Exam When It is Scheduled?
No applicants are given any relaxation if they fail to attempt the examination on the given day. No applicant will be permitted to show up at the CUET 2024 exam site on dates, times, or locations other than those specified on their admit card.
37. What Amenities Will Be Available to Candidates at CU-CET Exam Locations in 2024?
The following will be given to the appearing candidates:
Rough paper and pen
A mask would also be made available to each candidate.
They would also be given supplies for hand sanitiser.
38. What Safety Precautions Do I Need to Take During the Examination?
Candidates must follow the following directions throughout the exam:
Each candidate should carefully study the information and compare it to the information on their CUET 2024 admission card.
Please make sure the topic name displayed on the computer matches the one on your admission card. If there is a gap, please let the invigilators know right away.
Candidates must carefully consider their choices because they must attempt the topics included in their application. It cannot be changed after it has been printed on the admission card.
39. If I am unable to Download the CUET Admission Card 2024, What Should I Do?
Candidates should write to the official website or call the CUET support line at 011 - 40759000 between the hours of 9:30 and 5:30 if they have any issues.
40. Can I Modify the CUET Exam Locations after Downloading the CUET 2024 Admission Card?
After receiving their CUCET admit cards in 2024, students will not be permitted to modify the exam centres they have been assigned to take the CUET 2024.
41. Will There Be a Bilingual Exam or Just an English-language One?
The tests, except the "Language" test, are available in 13 languages, including English, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
42. What is the Last Date for Making Corrections in the CUET Application?
The correction window for the CUET 2024 applications was open from June 23 to 26, 2024.
43. Who Will Publish the CUET 2024 Merit List?
The appropriate merit lists for admission to each CUET institute will be made public by the participating universities and colleges.
44. What Exactly Does "Answer Key Challenge" Entail?
Following the test, the question paper, the candidate's answers, and the preliminary answer keys will all be posted on the NTA website, where applicants will also be asked to submit objections to the answer keys. Exam participants who want to contest the CUET answer keys online must pay a non-refundable cost of Rs. 200 for each disputed solution key. The timeframe for this online challenge facility will be open for around two to three days.
45. What is the NTA Score?
The NTA score is the candidate's percentile result on the exam they took. It describes their standing in relation to other people who appeared in it. There are no markings. It serves as a gauge of the candidates' relative standing among others who took the test.
46. What is the Validity of the NTA Score of CUET 2024 Examinations?
The NTA scorecard of CUET 2024 is valid for the academic year 2023–2024 exclusively, in the participating institutions.
47. Describe Digi Locker and Its Use in CUET 2024.
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology offers an online digitising service called DigiLocker to Indian citizens. All applicants can access DigiLocker through NTA to download documents including confirmation pages, admit cards, score cards, and more.
48. What Are the Details Mentioned on the CUET 2024 Result?
The following are the details mentioned in the CUET 2024 results:
Name of the candidate
Roll number
Father’s name
Qualifying rank
Qualifying marks
Subject code
Qualifying status
Programme applied
49. What Would Happen if a Candidates’ Computer Failed to Function When Taking the CUET Exam?
In the event of any technical issues, the student must notify the invigilator right away. He or she will either resolve the problem or properly map you to another PC. There will be no time lost for you because your test time in the following session will start when you stopped taking it.
50. Is It Mandatory to Upload the Gen-EWS, SC, ST, OBC(NCL), and PwD Certificates?
Yes, applicants for Gen-EWS/SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwD must upload actual certificates in the forms required by their respective states' authorities if they belong to such categories. Candidates can upload their self-undertaking documents if they don't have their certificate on hand.
This was the complete set of CUET UG 2024 FAQs. The CUET FAQs mentioned here have covered all the important aspects of the examinations. We hope to have helped you with your queries. We wish you all the very best for the upcoming examinations!