CUET Mock Test 2023 - How Will It Benefit?
CUET 2022 Free Mock Tests Subject-wise
FAQs on CUET Mock Test 2023
1. How important are CUET Mock Tests in preparation?
It is very much important to solve the CUET Mock Tests. Aspirant’s preparation will be directionless if they are not familiar with the exam scenario. So, we highly recommend you to solve as many Mock papers as possible.
2. What are domain-specific papers in the CUET 2023 Exam?
Candidates should choose domain-specific papers for Section II. The candidates can choose a maximum of 6 subjects from the NTA recommended list. You can find the subjects in the above section of the article. Mostly, the CUET syllabus for the domain-specific paper will be the same as for Class 12 NCERT Model.
3. Why is CUET Important?
Before 2023, each central university had their way of admission procedures into UG and PG programmes. In order to channelise this process, the Education Ministry has introduced CUET 2023 Exam which will be monitored by NTA for admissions into all the central universities in India.
4. What is the age limit for the CUET 2023 Exam?
As per the latest update, there is no age limit for the candidates to appear in CUET 2023. The candidates who have cleared the class 12th or equivalent exam can appear in the CUET 2023 Exam. Students who are appearing in 2023 can also take the exam irrespective of their age.
5. What are the reservation norms for the CUET 2023 Exam?
NTA follows the norms set by the Government of India, with respect to candidates intake and reservation of the seats. There will be relaxation to the SC/ST, OBC, and PwD category in CUET Eligibility Criteria.
The Reservation for CUET 2023 Exam will be as follows:
General Economically Weaker Sections (GEN-EWS): 10%
Scheduled Castes (SC): 15%
Scheduled Tribes (ST): 7.5%
Other Backward Classes (Non creamy layer): 27%
Persons with Disability: 5% in each category