Overview: Odisha DET Exam Pattern 2022
If any student is planning to ap-ply for Odisha DET, 2022 he must know all the instructions regarding Odisha DET exam pattern 2022. This is an entrance exam regulated on a state level by the Directorate of Technical Education and Training. It provides the qualification in different diploma courses to the students. The application form for this exam can be filled online by the students. The examination is conducted offline.
Marking Scheme
Odisha DET exam pattern 2022 has a fixed marking scheme followed for the entrance exam for all courses. Multiple Choice Question type paper patterns are followed for all the courses.
There are a total of 100 questions in the question paper. Students will get 4 marks for each correct answer whereas keeping in mind the negative marking scheme, each wrong answer will lead to the deduction of 1 mark. There is no negative marking for unattempted questions as students will get Zero marks for the same.
If any student circles more than 1 option as an answer to any question, it will be considered as incorrect and one mark for the same will be deducted. So, it is advised to all the applicants appearing for the examination to keep in mind all the instructions of the Odisha DET exam pattern and attempt the questions carefully. Try to avoid wild guesses so as to save yourself from negative marking.
It is always advised for all the candidates to prepare for the exam according to the correct modified syllabus and Odisha DET exam pattern. The syllabus table as set up by the exam conducting body is mentioned below:
Exam Pattern
Odisha DET question paper is always a Multiple-Choice question type paper.
The students have to attend 100 MCQs within the duration of two and half hours.
Negative marks are given for each incorrect answer.
Each question will have 4 options out of which 1 is correct. The candidate is allowed to choose only one option in each question.
In case any student chooses more than one option on any question, the negative marking will be done.
The students are allowed to use HB pencil or black/ blue ball point pen to blacken the appropriate circle.
No extra time is given to any student for completing the paper in any conditions.
Instructions for Exam Day
The students always have to follow some basic rules on the day of examination. Some important points to be considered by the students in order to avoid all kind of chaos are mentioned below:
All the candidates should bring their admit card for the entry in the examination hall. Irrespective of any reasons, If the applicant does not have his/her admit card he/she can’t give the exam.
Always remember to carry any one original ID proof along with a passport sized photograph and your admit card.
All the candidates must arrive at the examination center 2 hours before the commencement of the exam.
Any electronic device, such as, mobile phone, laptop, camera, etc. is not allowed inside the examination hall.
Any kind of chits or extra unnecessary papers aren’t allowed in the examination hall. If any candidate is caught with any suspected cheating element, strict actions will be taken against him/her.
FAQs on Odisha DET Exam Pattern 2023-24
1. Can you Suggest Some Preparation Tips for Qualifying the Odisha DET Exam, 2022?
The best way to prepare for the examination is through self-evaluation. After the thorough study of your prescribed syllabus, you must download the sample question papers available on the official website and start solving them. Try to use a stopwatch and finish your paper within a time period of two and a half hours. After completing, you can always download the answer key for the same paper and evaluate yourself.
In case you wish to seek assistance from a tutor, you can always apply for private tuition or the institute's centers that will help you prepare for the exam.
2. What is the Level of Question Paper set up for the Entrance Test?
No question above the level of the Odisha DET exam pattern criteria will be asked. You must have a good knowledge of four major subjects that are Mathematics/Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and English. The question paper is simple; you just have to prepare wisely. Refer to the syllabus and blueprint of the course or your choice. Good luck!