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Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Previous year Question Paper for Class 10 Science 2019


Maharashtra SSC Board Science Class 10 Previous year Question Paper 2019 with Solutions - Free PDF Download

At Vedantu, we believe that the more you practice, the better you perform in the exams. That’s why we have provided Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Science Class 10 Previous Year papers  2019 PDF here so that you become thorough with the question paper pattern. Practicing Maharashtra SSC Board Class 10 Science previous year question papers has many advantages. One of the most important factors these papers address is the management of time. We have seen that many students would have studied hard and learned the concepts well, but still, struggle to finish answering the paper.


Solving Science 2019 previous question papers for class 10 familiarizes the student with the format of the paper beforehand. Students who struggle to finish on time are advised to start solving these papers at the earliest so that they don’t lag behind. Our highly qualified teachers have curated these Maharashtra Board Science Class 10 past years’ question papers and have developed a set of sample papers in PDF format that are available for free download.

Maharashtra SSC Board Science Class 10 Previous year Question Paper 2019 with Solutions

The students who are planning to pursue their future careers in Science should go thoroughly through Class 10 Science. Class 10 is considered to be a turning point in a student’s life therefore it is very important to have good knowledge of all the science concepts as better understanding lays a good concept. Along with understanding each and every topic, the practice of question papers is a must in order to score good marks.

Examination Pattern for Maharashtra Board SSC Science Class 10

The Science question paper for Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 carries a weightage of 100 marks out of which 80 marks are for the Theory part and 20 marks are for the Practical/Viva portion. The Maharashtra board has cut down the syllabus by 25%.

The minimum marks required in order to obtain a pass result in Class 10 Science is 35%. 

Type of Questions

Very Short Answer Including Objective Type Questions

Assertion- Reasoning Type Question

Short Answers

Long Answers

Source-based/Case-based/Passage-based/Integrated Assessment Questions 

An internal choice of 33% would be provided.

Maharashtra State Board SSC Syllabus for Class 10 Science

The Maharashtra State Board has updated its syllabus and has reduced the syllabus by 25% due to the Covid-19 outbreak for Class 10. The syllabus of Class 10 Science consists of basic concepts that happen in our everyday life. Class 10 syllabus not only focuses on essential topics but also on relevant social concerns. Since the Class 10 syllabus lays the foundation it is very important to learn each concept clearly.

Syllabus and Chapter-wise Marks Distribution for Maharashtra Board SSC Science Class 10 Question Paper:

Class 10 Science examines the holistic knowledge of a student. Therefore it is necessary to understand the concepts and then solve the questions after completing each chapter. Also, it is very important to go through the Chapter-wise weightage which is as follows-

Unit no.




Chemical Substances- Nature and Behavior

  • Chemical Reactions and Equations

  • Acids, Bases, and Salts

  • Metals and Non-metals

  • Carbon and its Compounds

  • Periodic Classification of Elements



World of Living

  • Life Processes

  • Control and Coordination

  • How do Organisms Reproduce

  • Heredity and Evolution



Natural Phenomenon

  • Light- Reflection and Refraction

  • Human Eye and Colorful World



Effects of Current

  • Electricity

  • Magnetic Effect of Electric Current



Natural Resources

  • Sources of Energy

  • Our Environment

  • Management of Natural Resources




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FAQs on Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Previous year Question Paper for Class 10 Science 2019

1. Can we skip some chapters in Class 10 Science if we want to score average marks?

Yes, you can skip some chapters if you are focusing on average marks. But if you are planning to pursue a career in the field of science, you should not even skip a single topic as class 10 science forms a base for all the higher study sciences. Therefore, it is very important to have a better and clear understanding of all the topics.

2. Are Vedantu’s NCERT solutions adequate for exams?

Yes, Vedantu’s NCERT solutions for Class 10 Science are designed in such a way that you can understand the concepts easily and learn how to answer the question as well. You can also download the solutions if you wish to study offline. You can download the content in PDF form and can have access to it anytime, anywhere.

3. Does solving the previous year question paper help in class 10 as well?

Yes, even if you’re preparing for Class 10 any subject you should practice at least five previous year papers and then go for the next five years. Solving previous year question papers helps you to have a pace in writing as well as gives you the confidence to write in exams. It also helps you to get a better understanding of how to write answers in a methodological way.

4. How to prepare for Class 10 board exams?

Students should first go through the chapters thoroughly and learn each and every concept. Then they should practise the questions given at the end of chapters and then go for solving previous years question papers. Students should get an idea of how to write answers and then write the answers by themselves and then they should review the solutions provided at Vedantu’s previous years’ question papers for reference.

5. What is the right approach to use if someone is aiming for 100 marks in Class 10 Science?

If a student is aiming for 100 marks in Class 10 Science then he or she must have a clear strategy. While writing the answer the student should not focus on explaining the whole concept rather just give precise and brief answers. For long answers, students should explain the concept again in a brief manner along with a diagram to elaborate the concept. Long answers should cover an introduction, definition and the main points about the concept.