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A quiet sound is produced by a loudspeaker. The loudness of the sound is increased. Which property of the sound wave is increased?
A. Amplitude
B. Frequency
C. Wavelength
D. Speed

Last updated date: 27th Jun 2024
Total views: 333.9k
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Hint:Acoustics is an interdisciplinary discipline that studies mechanical waves such as vibration, sound, ultrasound, and infrared in gases, liquids, and solids. An acoustician is a scientist who works in the subject of acoustics, whereas an acoustical engineer is someone who works in the subject of acoustical engineering. On the other hand, an audio engineer is concerned with sound recording, processing, mixing, and reproduction.

Complete step-by-step solution:
Vibrating bodies create sound, which is a source of energy. Its spread necessitates the use of a medium. As a result, sound waves cannot travel in a vacuum since there is no substance to convey them. Sound vibration is the back and forth motion of an item that causes sound to be produced. Oscillatory motion is another name for it. The oscillation refers to the regular rhythmic back and forth movement. The amplitude of a sound wave determines its loudness. As a result, as the loudness rises, the amplitude of the sound wave rises as well. The amplitude of a sound wave is a measurement of the wave's height. The loudness of a sound wave may be described as the greatest displacement of vibrating particles of the medium from their mean location at the time the sound is created. It is the distance between the wave's crest or trough and its mean location. The amplitude of the sound is exactly proportional to its loudness. The loudness of sound increases as the amplitude of a sound wave increases. The sound will be weak if the amplitude is minimal.
Hence option A is correct.

Note:The quantity of energy carried by a wave is proportional to its amplitude. A significant quantity of energy is carried by a high amplitude wave, while a little quantity of energy is carried by a low amplitude wave. The intensity of a wave is defined as the average amount of energy moving across a unit area per unit of time in a certain direction. The intensity of the sound increases as the amplitude of the sound wave rises. Higher-intensity sounds are perceived to be louder. Decibels are commonly used to express relative sound intensities (dB).