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Choose the odd one out
(1) Kitten
(2) Goat
(3) Calf
(4) Lamb

Last updated date: 27th Jun 2024
Total views: 383.7k
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Hint: The animal from the above list which is the odd one out is that whose child is known as the kids, whether it is male or female. This animal is used for milk, meat, fur, and skins across much of the world.

Complete answer:
The kitten is the term used for a young cat, Calf is the term used for a young cow, Lamb is the term used for a young sheep. All these words are related to the young animals but the word 'Goat' does not refer to a young animal. The juvenile goats of both sexes are called kids.

Additional Information:
- A kitten is a juvenile cat. After birth, the kittens are dependent on their mother for survival. Usually, they don't normally open their eyes until after seven to 10 days. After about 14 days, kittens quickly develop and start to explore the planet outside the nest. After an additional three to four weeks, they start to eat solid food and grow adult teeth.
-A baby newborn goat is called a kid! quite like you! The mother goat is called a doe or a nanny while the daddy goat is called a billy or a buck. Just minutes after being born, goats are ready to rise off the bottom and check out taking some baby steps.
-After the nine months gestation period the calves are born. They typically stand within a couple of minutes of calving and suckle within an hour. However, for the primary few days, they're not easily ready to continue with the rest of the herd, so young calves are often left hidden by their mothers, who visit them several times each day to suckle them. By every week old the calf can follow the mother all the time.
-Lamb is a sheep that's typically less than 1 year old. there's little fat on lamb, and therefore the meat can vary in color from a young pink to a pale red. Lamb less than 3 months aged is named spring lamb.

So, the correct answer is ‘Goat’.

Note: -A baby pig is called a piglet.
- A baby chicken is a chick.
- A foal is known as a baby male or female donkey up to one-year-old.
- A baby of the monkey is called an infant.
- A baby fish is named a fry or a fingerling,