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Desert lizard is an example of-
(a) Regulator
(b) Conformer
(c) Behavioral regulator
(d) Partial regulator

Last updated date: 26th Jun 2024
Total views: 400.5k
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Hint: Any organism whose internal climate is strongly affected by external influences. As the external environment is fairly constant in terms of temperature, oxygen pressure, and nutrients, they have no need to regulate their internal environment.

Complete step by step answer:
Regulators are those animals who, due to the climate and their need, can regulate their body temperature on their own while conformers are those animals who are unable to regulate their body temperature and need the sun to raise their body temperature. The conformers are also called cold-blooded creatures. Desert lizards, fish, snakes, etc. are some of the examples of conformers.
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Basking in the sun and absorbing the heat energy directly or from the ground around them is a common way in which conformers maintain an ideal temperature. Depending on what time of day it is, some desert lizards burrow under the surface of the sand to cool down or warm-up.

Additional information: Via their metabolism, regulators regulate their internal climate. In order to maintain optimum metabolic rates, both must control their temperature.
Regulator- Any organism that can largely independently of the external environment maintain a constant internal environment. Homeostatic processes usually accomplish this (see homeostasis). Regulators tend to occupy habitats in which there are variable environmental conditions.
So, the correct answer is ‘Conformers’.

Note: The partial regulator changes its body temperature to a certain level of ambient temperature, but they are able to maintain constant body temperature when the temperature continues to rise. As a partial regulator, therefore, called. Example: squirrel on the ground, shrew, etc.