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Write the advantages and disadvantages of microbes.

Last updated date: 27th Jun 2024
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Hint: Two Fellows of The Royal Society, Robert Hooke, and Antoni van Leeuwenhoek discovered the existence of microscopic organisms between 1665 and 1683. Hooke presented the first published depiction of a microorganism, the microfungus Mucor, in Micrographia (1665).

Complete answer:
Microbes are microscopic organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. They can only be viewed or examined under a microscope. As a result, they are also known as microorganisms or microscopic organisms. These microscopic organisms are classified as belonging to the third domain of classification, which includes both unicellular and multicellular organisms. Microbes can be found in water, air, food, and even on the surface of our bodies. Our environment would be incomplete without these microbes, as some of them are critical to the survival and survival of life on Earth.

Most species are obvious to us. However, because some living organisms are so small, a microscope is required to view them. These microbes or microorganisms are classified as single-celled or unicellular microbes or microorganisms.

Advantages of microbes:
- They aid in the digestion of food.
- In the food industry, they assist with the processing of cheese, bread, and curd.
- For industrial purposes, such as the production of alcohol, citric acid, vinegar, and other products.
- They can also be used in the development of antibiotics.
- Microbes are also beneficial in agriculture.
- They also aid in the cleaning of the environment.
- They even help with the nitrogen cycle and nitrogen fixation.

Microbe Disadvantages:
- Microbes cause illness in animals, plants, and humans.
- They even contaminate food.
- They are the cause of tooth decay.
- They are the source of disease transmission.

Note: Microbes play an important role in human culture and health in a variety of ways, including the fermentation of foods and the treatment of sewage, as well as the production of fuel, enzymes, and other bioactive compounds. Microbes are important tools in biology because they serve as model organisms and have been used in biological warfare and bioterrorism. Microbes are an essential component of healthy soil.