CBSE Hindi Class 6 Chapter 4 - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on CBSE Class 6 Hindi (Malhar) Important Questions Chapter 4 - Haar Ki Jeet
1. Who is the author of Chapter 4, Har Ki Jeet, in Class 6 Hindi?
The author of Har Ki Jeet is Sudarshan Ji. He has beautifully written this story to convey the message of how truth and compassion can transform a person’s heart and bring about real victory.
2. What is the moral of Chapter 4 Har Ki Jeet in Class 6 Hindi?
The moral of Har Ki Jeet is that truth, honesty, and kindness always win, no matter how challenging the situation. The story teaches us that forgiveness and compassion are more powerful than revenge or force.
3. Why did Khadg Singh want to steal Baba Bharti’s horse in Har Ki Jeet?
Khadg Singh, a notorious dacoit, was impressed by the beauty and strength of Baba Bharti’s horse, Sultan. He planned to steal it because he believed such a fine horse should belong to him.
4. What request did Baba Bharti make to Khadg Singh after he stole the horse in Har Ki Jeet?
After Khadg Singh stole his horse, Baba Bharti requested him not to reveal the incident to anyone. Baba was concerned that if people learned about this, they would lose trust in helping the poor and needy.
5. How did Khadg Singh feel after Baba Bharti’s request in Har Ki Jeet?
Khadg Singh was deeply moved by Baba Bharti’s selflessness and concern for others. This made him realise his mistake, and he returned the horse to Baba out of guilt and repentance.
6. What transformation does Khadg Singh undergo in Class 6 Hindi Chapter 4 Har Ki Jeet?
Khadg Singh, initially a heartless dacoit, undergoes a transformation after experiencing Baba Bharti’s compassion and humility. He realises the value of truth and kindness and decides to change his ways.
7. What does Baba Bharti’s character represent in Chapter 4 of Class 6 Hindi?
Baba Bharti’s character represents kindness, truth, and humility. He shows us that real strength lies in forgiveness and compassion rather than in revenge or violence.
8. What lesson do we learn from the ending of Har Ki Jeet?
The ending teaches us that even in situations where it seems like we have lost, we can still emerge victorious if we stand by truth and goodness. Baba Bharti’s actions transform Khadg Singh, proving that moral victory is the true win.
9. Why is Baba Bharti so attached to his horse, Sultan, in Har Ki Jeet?
Baba Bharti sees Sultan not just as a horse but as a close companion, almost like a family member. He takes great pride in Sultan’s strength and beauty and has deep emotional attachment to him.
10. What was Baba Bharti’s concern about people’s trust in Chapter 4 Har Ki Jeet?
Baba Bharti was worried that if people found out that a poor man pretending to be in need had deceived him, they would stop helping the poor, leading to a lack of trust in those who genuinely need help.
11. How does Har Ki Jeet from Class 6 Hindi highlight the theme of trust?
The story highlights how fragile trust is and how easily it can be broken by deception. Baba Bharti’s concern shows the importance of maintaining trust in society by encouraging kindness without fear of betrayal.
12. What is the significance of the title Har Ki Jeet?
The title Har Ki Jeet translates to "The Victory of Defeat." It signifies that although Baba Bharti seemingly lost his beloved horse, his truthfulness and humility ultimately led to a greater victory by transforming Khadg Singh’s heart.
13. How does Chapter 4 Har Ki Jeet relate to real-life values?
Har Ki Jeet teaches us real-life values such as compassion, honesty, forgiveness, and the power of kindness. It shows how these qualities can have a positive impact even on those who seem lost or hardened.