Maharashtra SSC Board Science Class 10 Previous year Question Paper 2015 with Solutions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Science Class 10 Question Paper 2015
1. What are the chapters included in Maharashtra SSC Board Science Class 10?
In Maharashtra SSC Board Science Class 10, there are a total of 10 chapters included. The names of the chapters are gravitation, heat, periodic classification of elements, effects of electric current, chemical equations & reactions, refraction of light, space mission, metallurgy, lenses, and carbon compounds. In grade 10, you are going to study all these ten chapters in detail. In addition, Maharashtra SSC Board has framed all the lessons according to the learning capacity of the students studying in grade 10th.
2. How to define a difference between weight and mass of a particular object? Will their values be similar to Mars, if yes, why?
An object's mass is defined as the amount of matter, which is present within it. This remains similar everywhere, yes throughout the universe and the interesting thing is that it never becomes zero. The object's weight is defined as the force through which each or any other planets such as moon/planet/star appeals to it. The object's weight is measured differently in different locations of the earth. On the center of the earth, it gets zero. This is known as vector quantity and the SI unit is named as newton (N). The weight's magnitude will be = mg.
Hence, Mass will be similar on both Mars and Earth, but yes weight will not be similar as the g value over Mars remains different from Earth.
3. Is Maharashtra SSC Board Science Class 10 tough to attempt?
If you are attempting Maharashtra SSC Board Science Class 10 this year and pondering over whether it will be tough or easy, then it all depends on your preparation. You must have heard of the saying that the amount of sugar you will put in tea, the same level of sugar it will be. Thus, the time and hard work you have devoted to your subjects, you will find them tough or easy accordingly. So, keep preparing and rest assured of the result.
4. How is Vedantu helpful for preparing Maharashtra SSC Board Science Class 10?
For preparing Maharashtra SSC Board Science Class 10, Vedantu is really helpful. This platform is competitive in delivering the best material for study. For this, they have a highly-qualified team to manage the entire process so that the end result is authentic and qualitative. Their material goes through on all the standard protocols of quality before it finally goes to the students. And, once it reaches the students, then each of them praise it for its ease of use and quality it delivers to them.
5. Is Vedantu free for downloading Maharashtra SSC Board Science Class 10 study material?
Yes go ahead, you will get the Maharashtra SSC Board Science Class 10 study material free of cost from Vedantu. The best part is that this educational portal is so simple to access for all students sitting across the world. All they require is username and password and then it is a process to be completed within a few simple clicks. Make sure you do not keep thinking before it is too late. Thus, take a wise decision today and stay relaxed for your preparation for the board examination.